Chapter Twelve

Dixon's face looks horrified, as his eyes analyze the situation. He looks at the bed and then at me. 

 "How could you do this?"

I see the water in his eyes, and it made me look at the blood, which literally splashed all over my hands and clothes. Though I got satisfaction causing Lynn pain after the other murders, I don't feel that same feeling seeing Dixon upset. I feel upset, lost and mostly confused. I don't regret what I did. These people have tormented me, well mainly Lynn. Now, I just wish to move on in jail and death, whatever that may be. 

"Go ahead, call the police." My hand dropped the Ax to the ground, I knew I could never kill him.

He watches me for a moment. Then I hear smaller footsteps, running down the stairs. 

"Can I see him before?"

He nods, moving out of the doorway and by his mother's side. My heart hurts at his sobs. I know I still love this man. 

"Mom," I hear Kelvin's voice as he rushes over. 

My arms open and I feel his small body once again. 

"I am sorry for the last time I saw you," he looks up at me. 

I brush the hair away from his eyes and place a kiss on top of his forehead. "That's okay, I missed you," I whisper. 

"It's just Grandma, she said some horrible things about you."

"I know, it's hard to tell what's the truth."

He nods.

"Now we don't have to worry about that anymore," I hear Dixon's voice leaving the bedroom. He tosses me some clothes, and by the smaller perfume I noticed they were Lynn's. Am I going to wear the clothes of the person I just murdered? 

"Get dressed quickly, we don't have much time?"


Why isn't he calling the police? What is he talking about?

"I'm not going to let you take the fall for something I should have handled a long time ago. Everyone treated you so poorly, and I let it happen. This happened because I didn't stop anything."

I nod. 

I step into Lynn's bedroom, her dead body still haunting me. My hands quickly take off the bloody clothes and replace it with hers. 

5 years later, 

Marriage is a funny thing. You go through ups and downs. Moments of doubt, moments of inspiration. There are so many moments where you think this won't work.

I watch Dixon cuddling with our daughter Ella on the couch. Everything has changed. We spend every moment together, and I don't think I've ever been happier. He is the perfect husband, without the devil sitting on his shoulder, telling him I'm not good enough. Maybe we could have still had this without annihilating his family, if we both would have made smarter choices, but whatever it's done.

My son, my husband and I all changed our names with his friend's help. He works for a witness protection program, mainly for celebrities and people in high government. Dixon was able to convince him to use it for this one corrupt reason. We were able to get new ID cards and Social Security numbers. We started over as new people. Not many people get this opportunity, not many murderers get to start over and have a new life. 

Do I regret what I did? I mean maybe a little. I have asked God for forgiveness, but I also know that if I didn't take out Lynn, I would never have my husband the way I wanted to. I am glad she suffered, and not me, right?