Danger is over

Miyabi's POV

I thought that I was going to die.Like then,in the past.My father told me it doesn't matter how many times I fall on the ground,it matters that I should stand up.So I did stood up.Talia then changed into Jun.She still was strong.At least I could deflect her attacks even with one arm.Talia changed into Benihime.She still was strong.She kicked me to the stomach.But I stood up again.She tried to attack me but I started moving as fast as I could to dodge her or deflect her attacks.She took again her original form.For once again she kicked me to the same spot.She was ready to attack me directly but I moved fast.She couldn't see me.Then I cut her head.After that I fell on the ground.

"I hope Benihime and the others are ok."

Benihime's POV

I don't know what made the building to collapse but I had to finish the battle and find the others.Zouken continoued beating me.Then he used some of my psychic techniques on me.I told to myself that I had to win the battle and find the others.Luckly for me my move,Mirai no soba (future side) activated.Zouken was injured but still he could stand up.So I tried to move as quickly as possible.I deflected his attacks and I kicked him on the face.Then I used on purpose Saikikkubimu (psychic beam).Zouken used it too.The attacks clased.I found the perfect time to attack.I used Saikikkuberu(psychic veil) on him.He was unable to move.I finsihed him with Etat d'esprit zen (zen mind state).I found him on the head.But my attack actually destroyed his head.Only the body was left.Then I started running.I found Miyabi.


Miyabi's POV

When I woke up I saw Benihime.I asked her if she was ok.She told me yes.She looked at my arm.I told her not to look.I didn't want her to feel sorry for me.

"Take off the your t-shirt."


"You idiot I am trying to help you!"

Even with one arm I managed to take off my t-shirt.She used a special cube which had some first aid.She used cotton to clean my arm from blood.Then she used some banges and wrapped around my arm.

"Does it hurt?"

"A bit.But thank you."

She smiled and said "your welcome".I put on my t-shirt and we went to find Kaito and the others.

Eric's POV

Shusuke was even stronger.Both Jun and I were struggling to fight him.

"Eric,his forehead is his weak spot."

"You are right.But it won't be an easy task."

"Don't worry,I can cover you."

"Ok then..."

So we spilited up to confuse him.

Jun's POV

I used the spell bijou pointu (sharp jewel) on his tails.They were cut.Then I used golpe maldito (cursed hit) on them.The snake tails died immediately.Eric and I were dodging Shusuke's beams he was using from his mouth.I tried to protect Eric.I used Kazegafuku (wind fang) on Shusuke.He deflected it with an other beam.Then Eric used a chance to attack.

Eric's POV

I used Monkipanchi(monkey punch) to his stomach while Shusuke let his guard down.It caused him some damage.He used an other beam.Both Jun and I dodged.But suddenly Shusuke grabbed me.His fist started becoming more and more tight.My bones started breaking.

Jun's POV

I couldn't see Eric suffering.I acted fast.I enchanced my speed and reached to Shusuke's face.I use another spell,Norowareta hikari(cursed light).This blinded him.He released Eric.

"Are you ok?"

"I am fine."

"I can cover you.You go to his forehead."


I used the spell Goshikkufurawāa (gothic flower)on Shusuke to distract him.Then he used a beam again.I used again the same spell.He used a beam again.But this time his beam found it's target.I fell on the ground.

Eric's POV

I used my technique,Buraddosurasshu (blood slash) on Shusuke to prevent him from hurting Jun.That technique slased his hand.He striked me with his beam for the first time.But I used my speed to dodge his second beam.I took the chace and used my final attack which was Akuma ato(demon art).Finally,Shusuke was beaten.He died.Then I rushed to Jun.

"Jun...Please talk to me."

She opened her eyes.


"It's finally over.Don't worry."

She didn't say anything.She just smiled at me.Then we stood up.Kaito,Benihime and Miyabi found us.Both Jun and I explained what happened with Shusuke.Miyabi lost his arm.All of us were hurt.Jun and Kaito used a teleport spell. Benihime told us that she would take Miyabi to his parents.Kaito went to his home.I went with Jun to her home.When mr Shiki saw Jun he hugged her.

"Thank you young man." mr Shiki told me

"I should go.See you soon."

I went to my home.When dad saw me I though he would lecture me.Well he gave me a punch to my stomach.Then he hugged me.

"I was so worried."

"Sorry about that dad."

"I know,even if you didn't tell me you would still go and save Jun.You are stubborn like your mum.Let's go inside."

Benihime's POV

I reached the house of Miyabi's parents.His mum opened the door.She told me to help her.He took of his t-shirt.She changed the bandage.I helped her to clean the arm and gave her a new bandage.Luckily for us,his father was here too.He said he was going to restore Miyabi's arm.He gave him a special medicine.A new arm for Miyabi was going to grow.But it would need a little time.Miyabi's father gave him a punch.Miyabi was knocked out.He told us he was going to carry him to his bedroom.

"Thank you very much for bringing Miyabi and for treating him.Don't wory,he is going to be alright."

"That's a relief."

"I am Rikka.I am Miyabi's mother."

"It's nice to meet you.My name is Benihime."

She was so beautiful.She had long blonde golden hair and green emerald eyes.Then Miyabi's father came to see us.He was tall,he had black eyes and had short jet black hair.

"Honey I am going to the kitchen,if you need me just call me."

"What ever you say,love."

Miyabi's father gave a kiss on mrs Rikka's forehead and she left us.

"So you must be one of my son's classmates."

"Yes.My name is Benihime."

"Beautiful name...My name is Yuzuru.I am Miyabi's father.You met my wife Rikka.Thank you for what you did for Miyabi."

"It was nothing at all.Well I should go.My brother is going to be worried about me."

"Ok then.You are always welcome to come here to our house.You can visit us whenever you want."

"Thank you sir.Bye."

Yuzuru's POV

That girl was really nice.Her name was Benihime.I asked Rikka what did she think about her.

"She is a good girl.I like her."

"That's a good thing."

"How is our son?"

"Sleeping.Don't worry.His arm will be restored."

She hugged me.Then I gave her a kiss.I went upstairs.Miyabi woke up.

"I met your friend.She was very nice."

"Yes she is..."

"And she is a good looking girl."



"We are just friends..."

"You know,that's the same thing that your mum said to your grandpa when I met your grandparents and we weren't even dating.You should rest now.Ok?"


Eric's POV

The things with Shusuke were finally over.The next day was pretty calm.Dad and I went for fishing.We caught some big fishes.Dad asked about the others.All of them were ok.In the noon we ate the fish.It was so good.Later I decided to go for a little walk.

Jun's POV

I was so happy that I came home.My unlcle seemed serious.

"Uncle,is something wrong?"

"Jun,I think this is the time you should learn the truth."

"The truth about what?"

"It was your father's idea to give you to an other family."

"I am not suprised at all."

"Remember when you used Norowa hikari (cursed light) for the first time in front of your father?"

"I do.Dad didn't say anything,as usual."

"Actually,he did.He told to your mother that you really had potentional.He wanted you a strong mage family to adopt you.He wanted you to become the head of a strong mage family."


"I know...Your mother doesn't know that I took you from there.She left with you father and your sister."

I felt heartbroken once again.My uncle looked me in the eyes.I run away from home.I went outside.Till I finally stopped.I started crying.No to mention it was already snowing.

"Jun,what are you doing?"

I heard his voice.It was Eric!He approached me.


"I can't be able to help you if I don't tell me what happened.Come,let's go.

Eric grabbed me by my hand.I stop crying and we were heading to my house.

"My uncle told me the truth about why they abandoded me."

"He told me that when you were still missing.I wanted to tell him what happened and you were missing.I know it doesn't sound logical."

"You are lucky,you have your parents."

"About that...my mum died when I was still a kid."

"Eric...I am sorry."

"I miss her a lot but I feel sometimes that she is watching me."

"You know...I always felt that I am weak.I thought that's the reason they gave up on me.I felt jealous of my sister."

"I can't imagine how hard it was.But listen to me,you are not weak!Ok?You really are strong!"

I was shocked.That was one of the rare times someone else said something like that.

"Thank you Eric."

He smiled and said "your welcome."

We reached my home.

"See you later Jun."

"Yeah.See you."

I got inside the house.My uncle was so worried.

"I am sorry Jun."

"Don't apologise.I should be the one who should apologise.I made you worried.Thank you unlce,for everything."

He hugged me.Sometimes I felt like an outsider with my family.But when I am with my uncle and my friends,i don't feel like that.

"Uncle,can we have a cup of hot chocolate?"


After what happened my uncle and I had a cup of hot chocolate.The whole week was quiet.Till our next adventure came.