Chapter 21: Bug

The studio was quiet for a long time. The only sound came from my and Hannah's sniffles. A window was open and icy air blew in.

"No, this wasn't meant to happen!" Jace backed away hysterically into the blank canvasses, causing them all to tumble, making a loud ruckus. He scrambled up again.

"You're not going anywhere," Danté growled, still pointing his gun at Jace. "You can't threaten me, and think you can get away."

Damian silently went over to Hannah and cut off her bindings.

I gently put Will on the floor. "The backup that you brought, was that a lie?"

Jace glanced at his phone lying on the floor near where Hannah sat.

"Of course not--"

"Okay, well then this means that they aren't as close as you said," I got up with strength in my legs that I didn't know would be there right now. My heart felt so weak, and my mind was numb. "Otherwise, they would have heard the gunshot and come running by now."