Chapter 23: Mafia Maid

I groaned as I woke up. My body felt like I fell off a twelve story building.

I realized that I was in my bed. How did I get in my bed?

I sat up with a jolt, and instantly regretted it.

It felt like my brain wanted to burst out of my nose and ears. I rubbed my forehead.

"Well good morning, Sleepy head." Danté said, strutting into my room like he owned the place. I nearly screamed, but my throat was too sore, so I decided not to.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked him, sounding like a creature from the depths of the earth.

"A 'thank you for saving my life, sweet and merciful Danté Huo' would be nice." He sat down on my bed next to my legs and put a bowl of the most delicious looking chicken soup on my lap.

I wanted to tell him to get the hell off my bed, kick him in the butt and throw a pillow at him. But I had no strength, and my heart fluttered a little.