Chapter 47 (Part 4): Danté's POV (Final)

I tried contacting Elizabeth, but she wouldn't pick up, no matter many times I tried.

"Any luck?" Rider asked. He looked as anxious as I felt on the inside.

"No." I tossed my phone on the counter. "That b*tch knows what we'll do to her father when we come into contact with him."

"She better not have made her bodyguard-guy do anything to Vee, or I swear I'll..." Nick's fist made contact with the table top with a loud wham.

Before I told them my suspicions about what I think happened to Princess, he had been beating himself up the whole time as we made our way to Princess' apartment. He kept saying that he shouldn't have let her walk home by herself. 

But then Damian told us that he picked her up and took her home himself. He even took her for pancakes - he didn't eat them alone like he had said.