Chapter 85: Stowaway

This couldn't wait any longer.

I knew what I was going to do next would disappoint everyone in The Inferno - all my friends.

But if I waited any longer, I would go mad. I would physically lose my mind.

I will just have to deal with the wrath of Danté and the others when they find out what I have done.

Wednesday morning, just as the sun started to peek over the horizon, Lilly entered my bedroom with a large travel bag.

"Are you ready, Miss?" she whispered.

I was already dressed and ready to go since last night. I never went to bed.

"I'm so sorry that I'm making you do this, Lilly." I spoke in a low, sincere voice. I couldn't deny the guilt that I felt for making her go against Danté's orders.

Lilly smiled back at me with maternal sympathy. "Please don't be sorry, Miss. I'm sure the young master would understand. You have to do what your heart tells you to."