Help! My Childhood Friend Is Here!

Seth pulled the door, feeling slightly annoyed that the continuous knocking disrupted his thoughts, only to be greeted by a beautiful woman in an expensive black suit with a shirt and neatly branded tie. 

"Hello.... eh?" Her voice sounded deep and husky but with a feminine touch.

For a moment, the woman just looked at him, while Seth also realised that he felt a strange chill and looked down to notice his error.

Ah... Let's play along with it.

She looked down, then back up—her gaze was sticky and glued to his chiselled abs and crotch. Seth noticed her eyebrows lifted with a strange smile before the woman stepped forward and cupped his member...


"Wow... it's got some weight to it. Lots of money, a handsome face and a nice cock. You pass with flying colours—when will we get married?"

This woman... is this some kind of new speed dating?

"Why aren't you speaking, Seth? Are you stunned by the beauty of your lovely fiancée?"

For a moment, Seth's mind went to a quiet place with nothing but silence and warm sunlight. He enjoyed the strange woman fondling his manhood—there came when he pulled away, and out of instinct, his left hand hooked towards her face with a loud snap.


However, Seth watched in surprise as the woman ducked under his attack and rolled her arm around his, yet the moment she tried to counter his body followed the basic defensive movements learned with the marksmanship skill—twisting his hips, he thrust a swift knee into her abdomen, only to hit a solid plating but still causing the blonde beauty to step back several paces.

My body is moving so smoothly and exactly as I want!? It feels like going from a 200-ms monitor to a 0.001-ms monitor to play shooting games.

"Haa... Auntie never told me about you being so fit and powerful... I am so happy!"

The blonde beauty looked ecstatic, and Seth wondered if this woman was insane... perhaps this was some kind of psycho ex-girlfriend who broke into his house with a gun and was trying to rape him?

If that is true... well... I can't lose to a woman!


When she removed her sunglasses and facemask, there was a face beyond anything he could believe was real—normally, when reading novels, females would be compared to supermodels and movie stars... Honestly, Seth thought it was bullshit... until this moment.

"You're extremely beautiful... if you aren't busy, how about we grab coffee together?"

The lovely woman with rather cute features, despite her thuggish suit and bodyguard aura, looked at him with her emerald eyes, almost sparkling, as she genuinely looked stunned at his words.

"Are you asking me on a date?"

"Yeah... you've seen me naked, so we might as well get to know each other better—you must have questions too, right?"

Then I can see you naked, too, and we'll be even, right? Hahaha! 

The blonde beauty licked her red lips with a wet smack before stepping forward and embracing Seth tightly—her ample breasts pressed against his hard sternum and well-formed muscles as he leaned down, feeling her hot breath brush against his ear.

"Why bother with that when I can just bang you now and make a fact so you cannot escape?"

The moment she spoke, Seth felt a strange chill run down his spine as she kissed him gently on the cheek and rubbed herself against him before pushing him against the back of the hospital's sofa—for a moment, Seth felt something click in his mind and lowered his guard for an instant.

[Beat a woman like a heartless monster: +20 VP]

Ah.. this woman!?

But that instant was all she needed as she deftly mounted his body, pushing him onto the sofa while straddling his waist and pressing her hands against his bare chest—her eyes, like those of a predator, gazed down at him with excitement.

"Mmm... I hope you remember I wanted to marry a strong man, Seth. You kept your promise after all these years~ good boy, how should Sister Elena reward you?"

Her words sent shivers down his spine, filled with a sickly seductive tone and a hot breath blowing down his neck, yet instead of struggling, he let himself enjoy the situation—after all, wasn't this one of his goals since coming to this world? To bed beauties and create a harem of non-heroines?

So... Elena was like this when not on screen? 

[Host... As a villain, how can you become docile with your women... if nothing changes, you will lose VP]

I don't have any left...

[Then benefits might be taken back as debt repayment.]

True true... I was just having a bit of fun. It's rare for a woman to be so aggressive... Seth was so stupid for chasing an annoying icy witch.

"Sorry, Elena, but I prefer to be on top." 


Before she could react, his hips wrapped around her waist and dragged her to the ground with a thud, using his superior body to pin her to the ground and push her face down against the cold laminate flooring with her ass over his right thigh, he lifted his arm into the air.

"Girls should be more modest!"


"My Fiancée cannot be this thirsty!"


"Why is your ass so big!?"


With every slap, Elena's buttcheeks jiggled like jelly, and Seth began to realise that he was slowly getting aroused—with his free hand, he gripped the edge of her skirt and began to caress her, wondering why she didn't let out any kicks or punches during this assault...

Is she enjoying it?

However, Seth was shocked when he saw Elena's face was bright red, as she breathed deeply with tears in her eyes, only looking at him for a moment while biting her lips.

"Eh... what's wrong with you...?"

Seth couldn't help but ask as he continued to rub her soft skin, watching as the woman's slender fingers dug into the carpet while letting out a series of stifled moans.

"Ahhh~ Seth... please stop..."

Elena suddenly raised her head and glared at him with flushed cheeks, but there was no threat in those eyes, yet there was a slight hint of pleasure in her green eyes, which made Seth feel a little confused.

"Hey... you said you wanted to bang me, didn't you?"

"Y-Y-You weren't supposed... to become this strong and manly.... the magazine said I should take control..."


Ah... is she talking about dating advice articles?

Seth couldn't help but laugh inwardly as he understood Elena's actions a little—honestly, he never expected that a character like Elena would follow strange dating tips, but the writers gave her a strange personality in private that made no sense when they first met.

"Were you trying to act tough out of embarrassment?"

"Mm... you suddenly flashed me with that big thing, and my mind went blank, so I acted like the magazine said..."

"So you're an idiot?"

"Shut up! A gentleman shouldn't say bad things about his Fiancée while rubbing her ass!"

Elena turned her face with a pout and refused to look at Seth, yet he couldn't help but chuckle as he reached down and grabbed her chin, turning her face to face him, noticing the nervousness in those eyes as she waited for his response.

"So you still want to get married, even when I spank and bully you?"

[Scolded your innocent and easily influenced Fiancée while spanking and molesting her: +10 VP]

Oi... it's not villainous if she's my woman, right?


Seth couldn't help but think that System had become a little speechless as he stared at Elena, whose face grew warmer and warmer as he played with her tender buttcheeks and thighs—however, she suddenly struggled and freed herself from his grasp before sitting upright and holding her arms over her chest with a serious expression.

"Hmmm... maybe if you show promise! I am here to protect you from danger since you fell. You cannot send me away, or I will tell Mother!"

Touché, blonde bombshell... 

"So, shall we have that coffee after I get dressed?" Seth shrugged and let go of Elena with one final slap, causing a loud sound to echo and a passing nurse suddenly scurrying away after seeing the sight.

[Tainted a virgin nurse's mind - now she will hope that all men be like you naked and be forever disappointed: +10 VP]