I Thought You Were Someone Else!

Elena and Seth were rather tired from the evening together.

He found that slowly, over time, she had become more accepting, but her panic and fear were not completely gone, and now Elena was guarded against him due to him pushing her down.

'I wonder why the Author didn't show more of Elena.'

'She is such a wonderful woman.' Seth thought to himself as they returned to the safety of the upper parts of Badger City.

Now, there was an awkward silence as he wondered what it meant for Su Muyue to have left the plot. He wondered if that meant she would no longer be annoying and stuck up, or did something happen with the MC?

'It's nothing to do with me, anyway.'

"Elena, are you okay? Don't be angry with me... you were too cute, so I wanted to kiss you."

The car's engine roared as they pulled into the parking lot of his mother's apartment block. She was so protective of Seth that she bought the entire building, and she vetted and chose each resident, making sure nobody untoward would live close to him or affect her beloved son.


Elena still didn't speak, causing him to feel a little sense of irritation, but then after the car stopped and she turned off the engine and unclipped her seatbelt, she just left, opening the door...

He hurriedly chased her, wondering if he had teased her too much after the stressful moment...

'I hope she isn't upset—'

As he chased after her, she spun around with a bright red face before jumping into his chest, pushing his back against the BWM M2 custom with a thud. She kissed his lips, a warm breath, and her intense passion almost made up for her amateur kiss.

"Hahaha~ Seth, you're so mean—don't make me worried like that."

Elena's face flushed, eyes glistened under the streetlights, but they were happy.

"We should go and visit your mother tomorrow, Seth—I haven't spoken with Auntie since we were children, and to make things official...." her face was adorable now, but he felt bad as his mother wouldn't be back for a long time... 

This girl tricked me... let's get my revenge and show her a real kiss, shall we?

Seth wrapped his arm around Elena's waist and pulled her towards him, causing her face to flush brightly as he gently lifted her chin—instead of waiting, he gently kissed her soft, warm lips—it felt different from the sloppy attempt she made.

His tongue entered her mouth, brushing against her delicate pink tongue, which was wet and sweet as he played with her tenderly—Elena melted in his grasp as he explored her mouth while her knees weakened, causing Seth to hold her tightly as she enjoyed the pleasure of her first kiss.

Finally, he pulled away, and their saliva dripped between them as Elena breathed heavily—her body was weak and trembling while letting out a soft moan.

"Mother won't be back for a long time, so how about we make a fact tonight like you wanted." 

"I-I-Idiot, don't tease me. I am going!"

However, Elena stuttered and pushed Seth away, walking with shaky steps while leaving him alone in the car park. He knew she would soon return, but he went upstairs early and prepared a surprise.

[Caused your Childhood Friends mind to fall into an indecent and lewd gutter: +50 VP]


Seth went upstairs, began preparing a romantic evening, and even started cooking a meal. He remembered the novel mentioned Elena enjoying... she mentioned it in the scene where she realised Seth was dead.

'This girl cried in the novel, calling out about such a simple meal... I think it's related to those days when they were younger, and she would stay over for several days, and the nanny would cook Eastern Euro meals for them.'

The dish was quite easy to make and was mostly a long baking time of the potatoes and the soft, slow-cooked meat in his black slow cooker with a mixture of berries and red wine for the sauce.

Since there was some time, he spoke to the System while preparing his apartment and finishing the meal, seasonings and choosing a good wine.

"System, why did Su Muyue leave the plot?"

⁜ Because of certain actions and coincidences, there have been significant changes in her character, and the original world no longer deems her as someone fit to be the heroine...

⁜ This means although events might still happen, she is no longer protected from death and accidents. However, she can now act independently and surpass her former self.

I see, but does that relate to me? Why did you bring it up? I haven't met or spoken to her yet...

Seth didn't plan to get involved with her if she was the stuck-up bitch from the novel, but knowing she could die... caused him to rethink his strategy. 

He could not survive the apocalypse alone, and Su Muyue was rich, and she could help.

"Do I want to, though..." 

'I don't want to put up with annoying things... However, she is an S-Rank Evolved human...'

His eyes looked at the case on the table... inside that box were the items used but the MC of the novel to allow him and several of the heroines to evolve themselves...

Now, it wasn't some magical thing that made people like gods or wizards, but it would allow them a greater chance of survival.

Power...speed... even the ability to vanish for a few seconds was priceless for the future.

'Let's forget it for now. Today is my first night, and I don't want to waste it thinking about everything.' He thought while changing, unfastening his shirt and reflecting on the day as he prepared the table for tonight's meal.

"Elena should be here anytime now, and I will make sure to advance our relationship and look to buy more goods through my assistant tomorrow before it's too late..."

Knock Knock!

Seth rushed to the door, excited that Elena would be there to greet him; as he opened the door rapidly, he pulled her into his arms before kissing her tenderly, causing her face to turn red before she pushed him back—however, she didn't struggle to break free.


Seth felt her tongue entangle his as she stepped on her tiptoes and hugged his neck; there was a strange awkwardness—the taste and feel differed from before... Elena led the kiss and caressed Seth's toned abs...

"Nnn... stop... this isn't what I wanted!? Why are we kissing!?" The voice was deep and husky, nothing like the cool and gentle Elena... 

When Seth opened his eyes, a tall beauty who seemed to be a model appeared with a box-cut fringe and messy bangs... Her piercing neon blue eyes shone underneath the messy hair as her red silk dress had ridden up her thighs, revealing the soft creamy skin...

As the woman flicked her thick trench jacket over her shoulders, Seth realised that this woman was not Elena...

[Forcibly kissed the Main Heroine, Su Muyue, and made her get lost in the pleasant feeling: +400 VP]

[Crushed the possibility that the MC can win Su Muyue's heart without trying!: +1000 VP]

  1. For those who don't understand or skim-read. This occurs as he is cooking... like people normally do while slow-cooking meat and preparing food.