The Nightmare Continues - Shadow Step

Seth's gun was more deadly than Elena's because his shots popped their heads with one shot, clearing the undead with ease—they slowly made their way through the dark forest with two high-powered torches able to see roughly ten metres ahead.

"Haa... Seth, that gun is awesome...!" Elena was flushed, her face a little pale, but her cheeks were red.

She seemed terrified and excited at once.

Around them was a dark forest, despite the sun still not setting a grim feeling as the wet soil under their feet became like sludge. The flowers were dead and wilting, the sound of groans and something moving through the mud in the darkness around them.


A flash of light from the barrel showed that the zombies were slowly approaching, causing Elena to squeak. "Are we going to keep going so far... I might..." Her face looked ashamed, clenching her thighs with a cute look.

'It seems we should call it quits after a little more; otherwise, my princess might urinate herself.'

Bang! Bang!

Their guns shot the oncoming zombies as they moved to their left, trying to bypass them. In the back was a small house that was completely wrecked, with smashed windows, broken doors and zombies all around it.

Seth's movements were more fluid, now used to his strength and changed body; he could twist and bend flexibly, twisting his hips to ensure Elena was always safe, wrapping around her and gently embracing her back.

"You'll be okay, don't worry." Before pulling her back, a zombie lunged for her and took several potshots together as their experience began rising rapidly.

'I don't think there is enough ammo to clear that house completely...'

Elena's hands were still shaky when she aimed her gun, but her eyes were focused—slowly, she aligned a shot before blowing the brains of an elderly woman, her bullet colliding with the rear of her skull for an instant kill.

"I did it...!" She exclaimed in delight before a low growl sounded... different from a human but... more like an animal...

'Oh shit.' Seth instantly wrapped around Elena, turning around with her in his embrace—his eyes caught a glimpse of a large dog-like creature rushing towards them at high speeds. It had white skin, rotten flesh and bones exposed through its fur and teeth dripping with saliva as its long tongue licked its lips.

"Kya!?" Dropping her gun out of fright, Elena began to tremble, her eyes filled with tears, as Seth pushed her aside before raising his pistol to fire at the dog.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The dog dodged two of the bullets, causing Seth to feel moderate panic, knowing that stronger zombies would come; however, the final bullet hit it in its left eye, and it screeched in pain, falling to the ground, twitching for a few seconds before lying motionless.

"Is it dead?" Elena, who was kneeling on the ground, asked Seth as she picked up her gun, aiming it at the dog's corpse with fear still present in her eyes.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Elena emptied the remaining bullets in her magazine and reloaded before firing another three rounds—her face was pale, and she looked to be trembling slightly.

⁜ Killed Stage One Zombie Dog

∟ Gained 5 experience points (22/40)

"It is now... Damn girl... you wasted the poor thing. Its head is now mush." Seth joked, his nerves a little shocked; while keeping an eye on the zombies around them, he made sure none approached Elena within ten metres, while he was fine with five metres.

Clang... Clang...

The sound of a metal gate began to sound before the splashing of rapid footsteps, "Elena, move! It's more dogs!" Seth's voice sounded as he stepped back, shooting twice to kill two zombies, the sound of growing as finally four dogs came into sight! Their eyes were bloodshot as they sprinted towards them, looking like wolves!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! 

Seth and Elena shot rapidly, their bullets hitting two dogs, killing them instantly before missing two more times—however, two of the zombies died, and the final two slowed down significantly before vanishing behind the thick trees. 

⁜ Killed Stage One Zombie x2

⁜ Killed Stage One Zombie Dog x2

∟ Gained 12 experience points (34/40)

"Let's hurry!" Seth called to Elena as his body began to move before his mind, reloading his pistol and covering Elena, who ran ahead.

Crack! Crunch!

Ahead of them was a zombie that emerged from the ground, grabbing Elena's ankle as she tripped and screamed. Seth turned around and pointed his gun before seeing a bright flash of light appear in front of him—a large dog appeared from nowhere. Its mouth opened wide as it pounced towards Seth, snapping a fierce bite on his wrist, as the leather and biker suit began to squeak and tear.

"Ah!? Get off me!!" Elena called out, kicking the zombie's hand while a strange black mist emanated from her legs.

"Argh... Elena! Are you alright!?"

⁜ Suffered Stage One Zombie Dogs Bite - 10 HP

∟ Seth: 12/22 

Condition: Warning!

"You're bit!? Seth! Run, Seth!! Go, get away!"

Seth quickly twisted his hand and struggled to remove it from the dog's bite. His left fist smashed into its nose, causing the bones to snap and its skull to crack inward. Seth ignored the pain as Elena shot the zombie, grabbing her leg, her expression scared and worried for Seth.

"I'm okay, I won't be infected... don't worry. Come, we must leave." Seth called out, his pistol ready to shoot, but nothing appeared as they quickly moved out of the nightmare zone—only then did Seth let out a breath, 'Fuck... That was close...!'

"Wait... there was one more—"


Elena watched in shock; the zombie dog had climbed a low-hanging branch, just above Seth's vision, and was jumping towards him; she remembered that his punch managed to break the skull before, rushing forward holding a rock, she suddenly vanished, before appearing behind the dog, in mid-air time moving slowly for her 

'Move!! Move!! Seth! Look up!' Elena screamed internally as she threw the rock with great force; the zombie dog's jaw opened wide as it leapt towards Seth, its brain turning to mush as it crashed into the ground.

⁜ Killed Stage One Zombie 

⁜ Killed Stage One Zombie Dog 

∟ Gained 5 experience points (40/40)


SETH: STR + 2, DEX + 1, VIT +2, INT +1

ELENA: STR +1, DEX +2, AGI +1

Then, the next moment, Seth looked stunned at Elena, who vanished from his vision, leaving a black shadow image of her for two seconds. She reappeared at her original spot, breathing heavily... her eyes filled with tears as they were near the fence to leave.

Quickly, the two of them jumped over, almost rolling from his current state—Seth felt a sense of fatigue and realised that damage and conditions were not a joke like in the novels or other games with them. He found respect for a certain Leon who could run while in grave danger...

Elena immediately rushed up and hugged Seth tightly, her body shaking, "We need to get you tested... you need medicine..." Her eyes were filled with tears as she looked up at Seth, her hands grasping his jacket tightly.

"Don't worry; I won't die, I promise..."

She didn't listen as she pressed his back against the motorbike, his helmet in his hands, because he was taking a breather before her lips closed his mouth, kissing him in passion and fear of losing him. All her fear, excitement and adrenaline were put into this one wet kiss. 

'Wow... Elena is a good kisser... wait... why am I thinking about this now?!' Seth's brain wasn't working properly, but he could feel his body reacting to her warm lips as they pulled apart with a soft smack.

"Never scare me like that again... I will stay by your side forever, but... please... don't scare me..." Elena begged Seth, her eyes pleading.

Seth nodded, 'She saved me... that dog would have almost killed me if not for her... what sort of ability was that?!' He looked at her with the inspection ability, but she seemed mad and pointed at him with a worried look.

"Get on the bike! We are going home..." Elena cried out, her face red from embarrassment, turning away as she began to fiddle with the seat, taking out a bottle of water to clear her throat, but unable to clip it closed.

⁜ Make a pure girl almost urinate in your arms like a demon: VP +200

⁜ Make Elena Primrose truly consider you as her future husband: VP +1000

⁜ Make Su Muyue Cry: VP +400


⁜ Status Display ⁜

Name: Seth Darkwood

Race: Human (Getting Smarter?) Lifespan: 160 Years

Cultivation Stage: One (11%)

Level: 4

Exp: 0/80

Class: None

Condition: 26/26 (Healthy)

STR: 17

VIT: 13

DEX: 14

AGI: 13

INT: 13

DEF: 11

CHA: 26

Villain Points: 2750

⁜ Status End ⁜ 

⁜ Status Display ⁜

Name: Ella Primrose 

Race: Human (Idiot?) Lifespan: 130 Years

Level: 4

Exp: 0/80

Class: None

Condition: 20/20 (Healthy)

STR: 12

VIT: 10

DEX: 16

AGI: 14

INT: 8

DEF: 10

CHA: 15

⁜ Skills ⁜

Advanced Marksmanship Skills, Intermediate Martial Arts, Intermediate Driving, Intermediate English, Intermediate Europa languages, Basic Perception Increase (NEW!)

⁜ Evolution ⁜ (NEW!)

Shadow-Step - Instantly dash to a target location hidden in the shadows; time moves slower for three seconds before you return to your original place—it can be used one time for every two points of INT