Su Muyue.... Is Broken!

The pair were walking down the road too drunk to drive, and both wanted to keep the date going even for a little longer.

"Hehehe... I got the entire set of his pans.... all signed." Elena was excited as she held her little signed menu, almost skipping down the pavement in the dark Badger City night.

Elena seemed to love the show, and thanks to it being in their city, Seth managed to get the entire collection of knives, pans and utensils used by Rordon signed for a small fee.

"Seth.... tonight was my life's most amazing first date ~ hehe... I had always thought you might not take me anywhere or do anything, but even now, as you face the end of the world alone in silence~ hehe..." 

She giggled, swaying from side to side with flushed cheeks, her face lit up with a beautiful light that Seth found addictive as he walked beside her, staring at her eyes shining like stars.

"... I think I've fallen for you...." She paused, realising her drunken rambling and covered her face with the menu.

'What am I saying... ah... stop beating so fast; I don't want to die after feeling so happy!' Elena complained in her mind to her heart, which was racing faster than a hundred beats per minute.

"Oh? I thought you already loved me so much!" Seth teased, feeling like he understood her feelings like his... as he was no longer looking at her like a book heroine or convenient fiancee... but a real woman he had feelings for.

"Stupid Seth.... you tease me too much..." She mumbled from behind the menu as they arrived outside the mansion, Elena stumbling against the wall, leaning against it as her legs wobbled.

"Well, since you confessed your undying love for me, shall we seal it with a kiss?"

'Undying.... who.... idiot, always embarrassing me, but why are you so charming right now?'

Elena trembled slightly, nodding her head while biting her lip; Seth pulled her close, lowering his head as their lips pressed together. Elena closed her eyes, feeling the taste of alcohol on his lips and tongue, wrapping her arms around his neck, moaning softly as their tongues entwined.

"Ngh~ ha...." Their hot breaths entangled between them as her breasts rubbed against his chest; she didn't understand why, but the kiss right now was so different from the past as she felt entranced... like lost in a dream.

Seth's hands ran across her delicate figure, gently cupping her soft rear as she moaned again, their tongues caressing each other as saliva dripped from their lips. Elena didn't understand why, but she felt her body burning up...

'Ah... what am I doing... I am like those lewd girls who sleep with men after meeting them at clubs...' Elena whimpered internally as her mind became hazy; Seth lifted her leg, pressing her against the wall as their bodies rubbed together more intensely.

"Mnngh~ ah.... ngh... wait... ngh... I... haven't...." She wanted to push him away as he lowered his kisses along her cheek, kissing her neck as she shook her head, her breathing becoming rough and heavy. 

Then something dropped down the stairs... a sound like a can or a tumbler that someone might have filled with soup, causing the pair to break apart in shock, wondering who might be here... and at the top of the stairs, watching with a strange, conflicted look was a beautiful woman... her long black hair, and box cut fringe... her fluttering eyelids almost hid neon blue eyes as she seemed both shocked and confused seeing the pair.

It was Su Muyue... and she was carrying what seemed to be a home-cooked meal while knocking on Seth's door. 

'Why is this woman here now... Didn't she hate my Seth?' Elena felt a little territorial and understood those misty eyes... this woman was different and strange, and it made her feel a sense of danger, holding tightly onto Seth's body.

"Muyue?" Seth whispered. He also seemed stunned, a face that didn't seem like he invited her over, making Elena feel relaxed, but her danger sense was max. 

Su Muyue was strange!


Su Muyue sat silently on the sofa as Seth and Elena sat opposite her; she seemed to be deep in thought and didn't react when Seth brought her a drink of water, placing it in front of her as she glanced up slowly, taking it, sipping it without any expression.

The meal was slowly heated in the kitchen, and there was enough for three people. It was a light meal, so they planned to eat it as high-class Western food always had small portions, so they were a little hungry still.

"Why are you here?" Seth finally broke the silence after waiting ten minutes for Su Muyue to talk, but Elena seemed to dislike the awkward silence and glared at her, holding onto his hand tightly, showing she wouldn't let go.

"I thought you might be hurt... So I made dinner..." She answered with a simple, cold tone, not answering the question, and instead, looking at Seth with a strange gaze, sometimes darting to Elena... It was a gaze that contained a hint of jealousy... and a touch of madness.

'Shit... changing things ruin her brain? Why is she here? Wasn't she supposed to leave me alone until the apocalypse starts... Did I cause too many problems?' Seth felt worried as Su Muyue wasn't following the script anymore.

Then he remembered... He gained points for making her cry... did she see him get bit or hurt...? Was there something hidden in the system he didn't know?

Elena also seemed to dislike her presence; she disliked how pretty she was and felt threatened by her gaze, holding onto Seth even tighter.

"Who are you? Seth, who is this woman..." Elena asked curiously as Su Muyue frowned, her eyes narrowing as if asking why she spoke so rudely to her.

"Muyue is..." Seth paused, wondering how to explain it... he didn't want to upset Elena, but Su Muyue could drift apart, and as he chose to prioritise Elena, Muyue spoke first.

"We're just friends for now, Miss Elena." Su Muyue smiled as Elena felt her skin crawl. This woman was dangerous... Seth seemed to realise that she was acting differently and wondered if something happened recently, thinking about how to send her away gently...

"Friends? For now? What do you mean..." Elena muttered while Seth rubbed her back, gently leaving because the cooker pinged that food was ready, leaving the tigress and the wolf alone, facing each other in silence.

Su Muyue took another sip of water, setting it down calmly while Elena glared at her with a fierce gaze, realising Seth favoured this woman... that's why she cooked for him...

"So... Elena... What do you think of Seth...?" Su Muyue asked with a gentle smile that sent chills down Elena's spine because the hidden chills felt like this woman was holding a dagger to her neck!

Elena trembled slightly, recalling Seth's words, 'Don't tell anyone about cultivation or the apocalypse...' and she knew this woman was important to him... that's why she was afraid, but she was also his fiancee...

"He's mine... so please don't interfere." She answered honestly, showing her possessive nature, and Su Muyue's smile twitched slightly as Elena continued...

"Also... I love him... and I won't let you take him away. Please stay away." She didn't want to fight Seth's friend... but this woman was dangerous and made her worry...

Su Muyue was silent for a moment, her eyes narrowing, but then her smile became eerie as she had just gotten a strange idea. "Mmm, understood. I won't take him away; we are just friends. Fufu."

Elena felt relieved, hugging Seth's jacket...

While Su Muyue stood up and left, she walked past Seth, who carried a tray of food and stopped him, taking a small amount for herself, whispering something before leaving, vanishing into the darkness of the night as Elena felt a shiver down her spine.

"That woman is strange... she isn't right!"

Seth agreed... Something had changed in her, from a cold CEO with no feelings to an unstable girl afraid of her family and now... this strange person...

'Could she have become crazy after I messed with her path or plot...?'

Elena watched him worriedly... Seth patted her head, kissing her forehead, telling her not to worry about Su Muyue before serving the food... Elena hugged him tight, burying her face into his chest.

"I'm yours... so don't leave me..."

"I promise." Seth stroked her long hair, smiling gently as she differed from Su Muyue... Elena was too straightforward, and he felt a warmth inside him... it made him want to protect her...

'Tomorrow... I must teach her cultivation, and tomorrow night... we move to the mansion; I should tell Muyue, too.'