The End Of The Party - In The Maw Of Despair!

Muyue held her new heavy semi-auto shotgun, over seven kilograms and just over a metre long; with the stock deployed at her shoulder, her current strength doubled an average human male; the recoil would be harsh, but nothing she couldn't take.

"Thank you, darling~ it's so amazing!"

She looked at it with shining eyes while putting the hand cannon in her small harness, stepping forward with her legs wider with a more stable stance, and aiming at the windows and doors.

'Watching her checking her gun so happily... why is it so cute? But... when did Su Muyue become a gun addict?'

"Muyue, if you get hit or bit, swallow this!" Seth tossed one of the three pills to her; while she caught it, her eyes looked confused.

"Can't you just French kiss me like last time? That was so erotic!"

Seth smirked and shook his head because the zombies started flooding towards the building.