"Where is the bastard?" The rough voice of the bandit leader sounded, blowing the heads of the two zombies before turning back to scowl at Chu Feng with narrowed eyes. There was a clear lack of trust in him at this point.
"I don't know, but you saw that I shot him at point blank!" Chu Feng was more focused and determined than before, but due to him still being a cowardly otaku at heart, he lost the test of will against this bandit.
"Tsk. Go and find him, then. Otherwise, we're going to kill you too, fucker!"
"More than forty men are dead! Because you said, it would be easy to get some weapons, women and resources!"
Chu Feng didn't have the time to argue back as the most trusted men of the leader all watched his body and movements.
Even if he wanted to fight back, escape or submit, none of this was under his control anymore.