The System Breaks The Rules - Rulebreaker

Three hours later, Anna and Seth began their private discussion.

In the men's spare makeshift bedroom, five males were now missing their sixth member, Alex. His loss caused a drop in morale as they tried relaxing on the beds they dragged from neighbouring guestrooms.

"Hey... has anyone seen Seth?" Scott asked with a curious voice.

"Mmm... that reminds me that we haven't seen Miss Anna since we arrived either...." Blake muttered as he slowly moved his eyes to the right, looking towards the opposite door where the females were resting.

"Are you interested in her, Blake?" Marvin chuckled at his friend, who was like a teenager hiding his crush during the school summer holiday.

"Ah... T-That? She is beautiful..."

Suddenly, the Asian boy closed the book he borrowed from the shelf, and with a look of pity, he finally spoke. It was rare for Chun Wei to speak out, but his voice was quite pretty and clear, like a radio announcer.