The Evolving Base - Darkwood Village

Seth's body embraced the burning sun once again, but this time, he knew that the pain of his breakthrough would be intense this time.

"Let's just get this done with..."

In the early morning light, Seth found himself on the familiar balcony of his mansion, wearing nothing and overlooking the makeshift village below. The dawn painted the sky in tones of gold and pink, casting a peaceful glow upon the landscape.

The air was crisp and promised a lovely day ahead for the farmers.


Seth's body lowered, getting into the position for his breakthrough. He learned from the Cultivation Method that this stage would give him a sort of Qi to empower his organs and grant him a small ability during combat.

'The book called it Ember Sway...' 

"Practitioners delve into foundational postures, feeling the internal warmth akin to embers beneath the skin."