Solidified Resolve

The group collected documents related to the office of Chief Steel while wondering where Seth went; although Esmeralda tried to follow, Anna and Zhang Li stopped her.

Mai also glanced at Seth's departure and then shrugged at Esmeralda, not stopping her as Zhang Li's power prevented her from escaping.

"Dammit! Why won't you let me go? He's in pain... I can sense it!" She tried to push herself through, to no avail. "Let me go! Please... I can heal him..." Her eyes teared up as she tried to escape.

"You can't heal his wounds; the pain he feels isn't something you can cure. Esmeralda, please give him some time alone."

Zhang Li held Esmeralda back as Mai approached and rubbed the soft orange hair of the young woman. "He just needs time, okay?"

Anna knew of Seth's past, his family and people... She knew where he might go on a walk and trusted him. If anyone could help him through this hard time, it was her, but she let him blow off the steam alone.