Secrets of the Forest of Doom

I have drawn up a comprehensive strategic plan, and I will begin implementing it after I complete the third phase.

All I need is enough time to implement it, and fortunately I have a lot of time

Among these plans is to get the thing that is located deep in the forest. I want to get it before the golden lion takes possession of it.

In the novel, the Golden Lion was given the title of Lord of the Golden Storm. The credit for obtaining this title goes to a treasure that was not described in the novel. He only mentioned in the novel that he found it deep in the western part of the Forest of Death, and after he absorbed this thing, he had the ability to control the storm.

But this ability was dormant and was not useful to him before he met the hero of the novel, and then he went with him to a higher world and became much stronger than he was when he was in the Forest of Doom. His ability to control storms also appeared. It was devastatingly powerful after that. He built a kingdom, and the name of the kingdom was the Kingdom of Storms

He has gained fame and power because of his ability to destroy a city by controlling the weather and making it stormy. The ability to control storms is something that should not be underestimated. Whoever has this ability can control the weather and make it destructive or beautiful. He has the ability to bring a thunderstorm to destroy others.

The Golden Lion obtained this ability a hundred years before the beginning of the novel, and the Red Dragon appeared in the Forest of Doom twenty years before the Golden Lion obtained it.

This means that I have 19 years left until the Golden Lion obtains the thing found in the depths of the forest, and then he will gain the ability to control storms, and this ability will be dormant until he goes with the hero of the novel.

But I will go deep into the western part of the forest and obtain it before the Golden Lion and possess the ability to control storms.

Well, the Golden Lion is not the only one who managed to obtain something deep in this forest. It is impossible for the monkey with 6 ears to be that he does not have anything special. He is one of the companions of the hero of the novel. He definitely has something.

Well, as for the monkey, he got a jump that was located in an imperial tomb. This tomb was located deep in the eastern part of the Forest of Doom. This grave was the reason for calling the forest the Forest of Doom. Anyone who enters this grave dies, and no one returns after they reach it. Therefore, the cause of the person's death was not revealed, and because of that, the forest was named the Forest of Doom.

The jump that the monkey got was not an ordinary jump in any way. The monkey with 6 ears in the novel, when he used it, was able to smash a mountain.

Anyway, I'm in no hurry to get it. The monkey got it thanks to the help of the protagonist

 Some may wonder why the hero came to the Forest of Doom. Well, there was a reason for the hero of the novel to come to the Forest of Doom, and this reason was a map that showed him the location of the imperial tomb, which is deep in the forest. He came in order to obtain the treasures found in the tomb.

By ascribing him to the one who is the son of destiny, the will of the world has taken care of his growth. He came to the Forest of Doom in order to obtain high-quality treasures. He entered the ancient tomb, but he obtained many things. Among this thing was the powerful bloodline he had obtained without any effort, plus two beasts that had the ability to grow stronger, and all the treasures that were the income of the imperial tomb, he had become the richest man in this world.

In short, being a son of destiny means killing 4 birds flying in the sky with one stone.

Well, this means that the will of the world was not joking in supporting the Son of Destiny.

Anyway, I still have a long time until the hero is reborn in this world

Well, I still have 119 years left before the hero is born again in this world, and this is enough time for me to be ready for the hero's wave, to escape death under her hand, and to implement the plan that she prepared for him.

In any case, both the Golden Lion and the Monkey must die, because I want to give their lineage to a human and establish a human clan under my control. Both the Golden Lion and the Monkey possessed an ancient bloodline of rank 10, rank 5.

The Golden Lion possesses the bloodline of the Golden Lion Emperor. Those who possess this bloodline, whoever can fully awaken him, will have the ability to control the element of gold. The Ancient Golden Lion was one of the beast emperors of the ancient era, and whoever could awaken this bloodline would become an emperor among beasts and humans. It was a very powerful bloodline.

Likewise, the monkey has a bloodline of rank 10, level 5, in a state of slumber, and his bloodline goes back to one of the demon emperors in the ancient era, and it is a very powerful bloodline. Whoever can fully awaken him will become the new demon emperor in the demon race.

The only thing that prevents me from fighting them is because they are stronger than me, and with my current strength, I will not be able to make even a small, almost noticeable scratch on their skin. I am too weak to fight them. But there are several other ways I can seriously injure them.

My first plan is to have the monkey kill the Blue Bull that rules the northern part of the Doom Forest. Well, if I do not forget the Blue Bull, then I must eliminate him as well. I do not want anyone to share the rule of the Doom Forest with me.


^~^The number of words in this chapter is 1072 😘