Mr. Singh

Julie, understanding Aryan's hesitation due to her comments, smiles and says, "All those compliments were indeed for you. Do you think I give these compliments to just anyone? If you're thinking that, let me clarify that I rarely compliment people like this."

Aryan's cheeks turn even redder upon hearing this, and he lowers his gaze in embarrassment.

Julie, thoroughly enjoying Aryan's reaction, continues to smile and says, "I'm having fun seeing you like this. I give compliments very sparingly. So, stop being shy and focus on your work. I'll explain everything you need to know about your job. Right now, it's early in the day, so the club isn't crowded, but as soon as the sun sets, your workload will increase. So, start learning the ropes now."


Aryan, who until now had been looking down due to Julie's flirting, finally raises his head upon hearing Julie's words. He nods and says, "I'm ready."

"Very good," Julie says with no expression on her face this time as she guides Aryan to follow her. They walk through the club together. While Julie leads the way, Aryan follows behind her. Julie shows Aryan around the entire club, and Aryan realizes that the club is quite large. It had private rooms available for every VIP guest. If someone wanted to spend their night in a club, there couldn't be a better place than this.

Aryan had been to several clubs before, so he could easily compare and estimate that this club was one of the biggest in the city.

Unable to contain his curiosity, Aryan finally asks Julie, "Julie, is this the biggest club in the city? I've never seen such a large club before."

Julie replies, "Yes, it's not just the biggest in the city; it's the biggest in the entire country. The owner of this club is Mr. Singh, who happens to be the richest man in the country right now. So, it's no surprise that his property is exceptional."

"Mr. Singh...

Yes, Mr. Singh... Earlier, the owner of this place was Rudra Pratap Singh, but now its owner is his grandson, Mr. Singh. Rudra Pratap Singh passed away a year ago, and since then, Mr. Singh is the sole heir to his property.

Do you not know his name, that you keep calling him Mr. Singh repeatedly...

It's not that I don't know his name, but no one can address him by his name except for his very close associates. That's why "Mr. Singh" is the only name that comes out of my mouth repeatedly. Anyway, his full name is... Julie is about to say something, but before that, a boy comes there and says, "Julie, all the preparations for the special guest coming today are complete. You should go and check once if everything is in order."

Julie tells the boy, "Alright, John. I'll inspect everything. You can tell Robin about his task."

Julie looks at Aryan and says, "Robin, this is John, and he is the senior bartender at this club. From today, you'll be working within his team, learning the skills, and in the future, you'll take his place. Julie says this in a very professional manner, but there's a subtle pressure in her words.

Aryan nods and says, "Yes."

Julie is about to leave when Aryan stops her and says, "Julie, I wanted to ask you something."

Julie pauses, looks at Aryan, and asks, "Is there a problem, Robin?"

Aryan hesitates and says, "Julie, ever since I came here, a question has been on my mind. I wanted to know why you hired me for this job when I didn't have any documents to show, and you didn't even try to find out why I didn't have any documents."

The question is very interesting. Do you want an answer to this now?" Julie says with a smile.

Aryan responds, "Yes."

Julie continues, "Alright, your eyes..."

"What do you mean?" Aryan asks.

"I mean when I first saw you, I didn't get any negative vibes, but when I looked into your eyes, I sensed pain. And if we see pain in someone's eyes, it means that person can't be all bad... I don't know what you've faced in your life, and I don't have any interest in knowing about your past because I judge people based on who they are today. And when I saw you today, I felt like you needed my help, so I did what my heart told me to do. As for the documents, we can't judge a person solely based on documents; they are only for professional purposes. When you get your new documents, you can submit them to me. Does that answer your question, or do you have more to ask?" Julie explains.

Aryan, with a smile, says, "Absolutely not, I've found the answer to my question," with a smile.

"Very good. Start focusing on your work now," Julie says as she leaves. John remains there, explaining Aryan's tasks.

While John was demonstrating his skills to Aryan, Aryan observed closely. Aryan had never attempted this before, even though he had seen bartenders play with wine bottles and glasses many times.

John says, "It might take you some time to learn this, but I believe you'll get the hang of it. Besides, Julie has a lot of confidence in you."

Aryan nods and replies, "I'll give it my all. By the way, Julie mentioned that you're leaving this job. Why would you want to leave such a good job? I don't think you can find a better salary elsewhere."

"You're absolutely right. I can't find a better salary anywhere else, but you know, matters of the heart... Even though I'll miss out on a great job, I have to leave because of my love. Girls can be quite possessive about their partners, especially in clubs. She's afraid I might get hit on by some other girl, and she doesn't want me working here. So, I'm leaving the job at her request," John explains.

Upon hearing this, a smile appears on Aryan's face. But when he hears the word "love," memories of his own love, Shnaya, flood his mind. Aryan loved Shnaya more than anything else in the world, but it seemed Shreya didn't love him back. That's why Shnaya testified against him, and even in jail, she refused to meet him. Aryan wanted to ask Shnaya why she had betrayed him, what was lacking in his love, but he had no answers to any of his questions. Even today, Aryan's eyes become moist when he remembers Shnaya. Perhaps he can never forget Shnaya, and no one can replace her in his life.

Seeing Aryan lost in his thoughts, John asks, "What happened? Where did you go? Are you also missing your love?"

Aryan, with a fake smile, says, "Yes, love can be so beautiful that when a person is in love, they don't feel anything else. If your love is true, then I don't think you're making a mistake by leaving this job."

"You're right. I'm ready to leave a thousand jobs for her. And Julie also doesn't have any objections because she knows how girls can be when it comes to their partners. Anyway, my eyes got a bit teary for no reason," John says, wiping away his tears.

Aryan, looking at John, says, "It seems you've also lost yourself in beautiful thoughts. That's why your eyes got moist."

John, wiping his tears at the corner of his eyes, says, "No, nothing like that. Just a tiny speck got into my eye."

Aryan smiles and says, "That girl is very lucky to have found a life partner like you."

John says, "Enough of this. Let's focus on work, or else Julie won't spare both of us. Because the Julie we saw, who seemed like a sweet girl, becomes a lioness when it comes to work."

You're right; I've been talking a bit too much. Julie seems like a very nice person. When I see her, I can tell how serious she is about her work. That's probably why Mr. Singh entrusted her with the club's responsibilities.

John asks, "How do you know about Mr. Singh?"

I just found out from Julie. Mr. Singh is the owner of Moon Night Club.

"You're correct; he is the owner of this club. But Mr. Singh never visits this club. I've only heard his name; I've never seen him. Yes, but I did see the previous owner, Rudra Pratap Singh, here once, about two years ago."

"What do you mean he never visits the club?"

"Yes, he never comes to this club. I've heard that he's very strict and won't think twice before taking someone's life. That's why I always pray that he never comes to this club. Who knows who might end up in his hands...?"

"You're talking about a person you've never met. How can you say such things? What if we're completely wrong about him? Rich people's world is different. If we try to interfere in their world, we might just get crushed like ants."

Aryan, thinking to himself, says, "Who can understand the rich people's world better than me? As shiny as it looks from the outside, it's just as terrifying from the inside. You never know when someone might trap someone else for their own benefit."

John, looking at Aryan, says, "Keep your distance from these people as much as you can. This is the world of the wealthy, and no one knows when one might get caught up in it."

Aryan, thinking in his mind, says, "Who can understand the rich people's world better than me? As bright as it appears on the surface, it's just as menacing from within. You never know when someone might ensnare someone else for their own gain."

John, looking at Aryan, says, "Keep your distance from these people as much as you can. This is the world of the wealthy, and no one knows when one might get entangled in it."

Aryan's thoughts wander, and John notices, saying, "Robin, you seem lost again. It looks like you're really missing your love today," and a smile appears on John's face.

Aryan, with a forced smile, says, "It's nothing like that. I was just thinking, if you're right, then I also wish Mr. Singh never comes to this club."

To be continued......