He woke up

The inn had resumed its normal state after the burial of the bodies. Night had fallen, and Melovine, Elley, and Prince Ivive were having their meal.

As they ate, the innkeeper approached them with a cautious look. They noticed him and gave him a glance.

"Excuse me..." he whispered, bending down to their level. "The blind boy... he is a ghost weaver, isn't he?"

Melovine exchanged a look with Elley and Prince Ivive, wondering if they should answer.

The innkeeper nodded to himself and exhaled. "I thought so. Ever since the black practitioners started to rise, I knew the ghost weaver would appear in this time. He is the only one who can stop them."

He looked at Prince Ivive and bowed his head. "Forgive me, Your Highness. I only learned that you are the fourth prince, Prince Ivive, from the wanted poster. The crown prince has gone mad. I don't know about the other princes, but you are the rightful heir to the throne. The ghost weaver being with you is a sign of destiny."