I am also a royal

The night enveloped them, its darkness thick as the woolen cloak Mizak wore. The wind whispered secrets, and the snow crunched under their boots. Mizak gripped the reins of the horse, his knuckles white against the cold leather. Teri walked beside him, her breath visible in the frigid air.

Silence had settled between them since they emerged from the woods. Only the rhythm of their footsteps and the haunting whoosh of the wind accompanied them. The weight of their shared secret pressed upon them like the snow-laden branches overhead.

As they neared the gates of the manor, Mizak stole a glance at Teri. His eyes held a tumult of emotions—guilt, sadness, and worry. He had hoped the journey would mend the rift between them, but it seemed the chasm only widened.

"Teri," Mizak finally spoke, his voice a fragile thread in the night.

"You finally spoke," Teri retorted, her tone sharp. "I thought you'd gone mute after drawing that sword."