Kiera's rescue

The bandits lay beaten and injured, too weak to stand, yet none were dead.

Melovine, Elley, Prince Ivive, and Mizak kept watch from every angle, alert for any signs of renewed aggression.

Teri's black cloak fluttered as he strode toward the leader, who was crawling away.

The man struggled to his feet, ready to flee, but Teri vanished from his original position and reappeared directly in front of him.

Wide-eyed and startled, the man stumbled backward, collapsing to the ground.

Teri's lips curved into a slight smile. He crouched down, gripping the man's clothes and hauling him upright.

"You will take me to your camp and show me where that girl is," Teri demanded, releasing his hold on the man's garments. "Lead the way, or else."

With his hood pulled low over his face, Teri observed as the man scrambled to his feet and started running.

"I'll be back," Teri called over his shoulder, not bothering to look at anyone else. "Keep watch and take care of yourselves."