The imperial chamber under the sea

Teri's consciousness shifted, and he found himself in a spacious chamber. The opulence suggested nobility or royalty. His gaze fell upon a woman standing by the window, her back turned. She wore a regal dress, and her long, black hair cascaded down.

Outside, the night wind whispered secrets to the dark blue sky adorned with stars. The moon hung like a silver lantern, casting its glow upon the room. Yet, Teri's attention was drawn to the woman's ankle—chained, a stark contrast to the beauty around her.

Suddenly, Teri materialized within the chamber. How he arrived there or who this woman was remained a mystery. His last memory was of the lake, where he'd been with Mizak and Prince Ivive.

His clothes were inexplicably dry. Two steps brought him closer to the woman, who turned to face him. Awe and disbelief mingled in their eyes.

"Mother," Teri whispered, his voice barely audible.