Face Off

“Oh, hello…Miss? Is the little girl all right? I was standing next to her when she was knocked over…we were talking about that stone thing…and then those awful boys…well, I just wanted to see if she is okay, Miss?” I said, or rather Kelly said in my very familiar voice, calmly talking to Mrs Blackstone as if they had never met before. I almost fainted right then and there, staring up at myself with my mouth hanging open, feeling sick, tears welling up in my eyes. I was me but there she was, being me, or pretending to me. Because I would never have said ‘awful boys’ like that. It was not a phrase I would ever use. But posh little Olivia would, I thought, probably all the time. She was at an all-girls school, she probably did not know many boys, so she would be naturally dismissive of them, and that word, awful, it just sounded old-fashioned to me. Not something I would ever say. She had stolen my body; I was sure of it.

“That is very thoughtful of you, dear…and it’s Mrs Blackstone…Olivia is a bit shaken up, I think, but otherwise unharmed…”

“I am so embarrassed by what those boys did, Mrs Blackstone…they are getting a right old telling off from our teachers…and she is such a lovely little girl…I was really enjoying talking to her?” Kelly said whilst smiling sweetly at me, as if butter would not melt in her mouth. “She so wanted to make a wish…it was just so sweet…I think she really thought that it would come true…but I didn’t think she ought to be wandering around the museum, on her own…so I was going to make sure that she found you…or one of her other teachers…after…but then, all hell broke loose? I was really worried about her…but my friends were worried about me, because we were all knocked over and they took me away before I could check on her…”

“Oh, that is very responsible of you…and you are quite right, she was definitely not supposed to be roaming around on her own…what is your name, dear?” Mrs Blackstone asked, clinging onto my hand as if she would never let go. I blinked back my tears, not wanting to cry in front of myself.

“Kelly…Kelly Hughes, Mrs Blackstone?”

“Well, Kelly…I shall be contacting your head teacher tomorrow…to tell them how well you have behaved today…those boys deserve to be in serious trouble…but your concern for Olivia does you nothing but credit, dear.”

“Oh wow…thanks…you don’t have to do that…I just wanted to be sure that she was okay…I hope Olivia isn’t in too much trouble…for wandering off?” My voice continued, shamelessly sucking up to Mrs Blackstone. I never said ‘wow’ either. That was so not me. But looking at myself was so weird, so strange. It made me feel light-headed, as if the world was spinning out of control, and I could no longer keep my balance.

“She has some explaining to do…but considering what happened, I don’t think she will face more than a telling off from her parents…Olivia, I think you should thank Kelly for taking the time to come and check on you, little one?” Mrs Blackstone said, turning to me and giving my hand a sharp squeeze. “Olivia?”

“Thank you…Kelly.” I whispered, staring down at my shiny black shoes.

“Olivia…say thank you properly, please?” Mrs Blackstone urged, giving my hand another sharp squeeze.

“Um…thank you very much for checking up on me, Kelly.” I murmured, not sure what she wanted me to say. “It was very kind of you?”

“Aww…she is just so cute, isn’t she? So sorry to have bothered you, Mrs Blackstone…but I have to get back to my group, or I will be the one in trouble…bye Olivia…be a good little girl for your teachers…”

“My…what a nice girl.” Mrs Blackstone sighed, after Kelly had hurried off, walking me into the main entrance area, where all the other striped blazers were waiting for us. It was a much smaller party than the Redstone one, only about twenty girls, I think, and they were all staring at me, or maybe glaring. Miss Cooper stepped away from the group to talk to Mrs Blackstone as if I did not exist, whilst I was still trying to get over the meeting with Kelly. I was in a bit of a daze, bewildered, I suppose. It was all too much to cope with.

“Mrs Walker decided that we should leave early, Mrs Blackstone?”

“I thought she might…Olivia is good to go…no harm done…but I think I will keep her with me on the coach, just to keep an eye on her?”

“Good idea…some of the girls are rather disappointed that we have to leave…it is probably better if we keep her away from them…we don’t want any arguments…we have had enough of those…”

Biting my lip again, I moved on autopilot, my eyes down, as Mrs Blackstone led me outside into the fresh air. Everyone else followed, walking in twos, also holding hands. Another stupid school rule, the presence in the back of my head suggested. Our coach was right outside, parked on a yellow line, and I noticed the name on the side. Deepdene School for girls. My school, of course. Or Olivia’s school, I corrected myself, but since I looked just like Olivia, and everyone thought I was Olivia, making that distinction seem rather redundant. I climbed up the steps and was ushered into a seat right at the front of the impressive vehicle. Mrs Blackstone then left me for a moment or two, hurrying further down before returning with a dark blue hooded coat, with a pale blue lining, just as everyone else started to climb onboard. “Come on, put this on, Olivia…I want to keep you warm…arms please, chop-chop.”

“Yes, Mrs Blackstone.” I said, putting my left arm in the sleeve. It was a heavy winter coat and as she zipped it right up, I immediately felt even more bundled up than I did already. But she just sat me down in the seat next to the window, hemmed in by her, right behind the driver on his side. He started the engine, and we were off. “I’m really hot, Mrs Blackstone?”

“Good…after a shock, it is important to keep warm…now, I suggest you sit quietly and think about your behaviour…and what you are going to say to your poor parents…not to mention all of your classmates, whose day out you have ruined, you silly, selfish little girl…”

I obeyed, up to a point, of course. I did not say another word, but all my thoughts were about Kelly. Not me Kelly, but the new one, which had to be Olivia. Kelly/Olivia. Somehow, our minds had just swapped over. But she seemed to be dealing with it a lot better than me, and I did not understand why. And I did not understand why she had sought me out after the magical mix up, unless she was wondering what had happened to me, or maybe what she had done to me, I thought, shutting my red eyes, desperately trying to make sense of a nonsensical situation that was by definition inexplicable. Legend had it that the Dream Stone made your wishes come true, but I had not made a wish, so I did not see why the Stone would just interfere with my life. Unless the real Olivia had made a wish somehow involving me, of course. Then, when her wish duly came true, she felt the need to go and check up on her former body, to see if she had done any harm to it, maybe. I mean, it was just a theory. She had seemed much more together in her new body than I felt in mine, and maybe you would find it easier if it was your own wish playing out, and you knew exactly what was happening to you. Whereas, I had no idea at all about any of it, and was understandably stunned, and it was all taking some time to sink in.