
My strategy for the Tuesday morning also worked perfectly. Felicity was picked up after breakfast, and we were then told to go and play nicely in our room, because Caroline did not want me to overdo things, and she had housework to do. I asked if I could look online to find out more about the Dream Stone, and although she did not look overjoyed by my request, she took my point that I saw it on a school trip and wanted to know more about its origins. But she would not let me use her laptop upstairs, without any supervision, so I was set up on the kitchen table, near where she was doing some ironing. The twins were upstairs, playing draughts until I joined them, which Caroline said would be no longer than an hour. She wanted me to rest far more than she wanted me to study magical artefacts.

“You are really fascinated by that wretched Stone, aren’t you, Olivia?” Caroline asked as the iron hissed steam into the air.

“I like history, Mummy.” I replied, typing into Google.