"who are you" I asked!

Ohh you don't remember me, I see.....well let me introduced my self... I'm Julius..and I'm a wizard, the Jake you knew is already dead, I killed him, when I felt your aura...and took over his body...

And you're dying in my hands...he grabbed me changing into his real form...Ohh I see you want to fight.. suddenly I changed into my real form not the form I always change to...this is different I found out that I have a crown on my head and my powers started growing stronger, and my past memory started flooding in....I smiled

You wanna die, ' I asked'...then he smiled are you really joking, I'm here to kill you and I will do that before I leave...and less I forget your Risha is next...I would kill her and eat all her flesh...he said licking his lips disgustingly...

Well we will see about that, I chant some spell with my eye balls already turned red

"Gajikshumagikahimshihafihkemi" I chant loudly and he wanted to reciprocate but my spell was a forbidden and a stronger spell so immediately his body busted and his blood started gushing out....I smiled "Now whose next"

Where is Jared " I asked"

Immediately Ava and Julia went on their knees, and Jared appeared kneeing down..."clean up this mess" I commanded! Yes my queen...or no leave it alone, " i want the whole school to see it"...As you pleased he bow...

Then I felt that students are already closer and I smiled..."they wouldn't know I'm the one I mean I don't even look like Emily the fragile girl my face is now changed"

Suddenly I walked out of the class with Ava, Julia and jared, not minding if the student sees me, then they shouted immediately they saw the blood...I laughed then turned my back to look at them...the next word I said shocked me "You wanna be next" I asked

Then I heard Risha crying hard " Jake Jake Jake no ooooooo" where is Emily she asked sniffing but I don't spare her a glance and left the premises

When I left the school I changed back to my human form and thought of a way to pretend...then I went to where the window is and then think of an idea "ohh yes" o said

Then I lie down on my stomach as if I was pushed and I have already broken few of my ribs and head severe injury...yeah then I fall asleep

The I heard Jared asking Ava and Julia" what's the queen doing"

"Are you stupid or dump"... don't you see I'm pretending I said

But why! I mean you can kill them all why pretending

'you wanna die' i asked then he gulped in

I continue pretending until I heard some noise..."that's Emily" What's happening...they all shouted...

Then I felt the presence of some teacher calling the ambulance then I smiled....

When the ambulance arrived I was taken into it and the ambulance started moving...

"My queen' i heard the doctors then I opened my eyes and smiled...then my gaze fell on the teacher In the ambulance "spill a word to anyone then you're dead" the teacher gulped in....

When we arrived at hospital I pretended back and the teacher was trying to maintain his expression..

Into the ICU the doctor shouted, then I heard my mother's voice...why is she here I mind linked Jared...

I don't know my queen maybe she was contacted..

In the ICU..there were trying to revive me, which I love because I was holding my breath...then I felt my breath so I was revived...the doctor reviving me was relieved...I must say he is very handsome...

So what happened I heard my mom asking the doctor who said that I broke some of my ribs and have a severe head injury....she might have amnesia..let just see until she wakes up...I think she was pushed he said shockingly my mom believed and started crying...

Then she turned to the teacher who followed me to the hospital and thanked him...and he left the hospital....then I sent Jared to him

I'm still surprised that I'm pretending and can even send Jared to warn the teacher when my eyes is still closed....

Jared appeared in front of the teacher in his true form...and warned him " I believe you wanna be next If you spill a word" I'm not, it stays with me till my death, he said Shakingly...."I see" but if it does not trust me "your family is next" I would turture you till you can't take It anymore.....Jared laughed with devilish grin appearing on his face .....the teacher gulped in....


As soon I entered the ambulance I felt the air in the ambulance, then I started feeling somehow

Suddenly I heard the doctors saying "my queen" while bowing down....then she smiled, when I looked at her her eye ball was red and what she said next shocked me "spill a word to anyone then you're dead" I gulped in

She is not a human I heard my self asked inwardly...

When we arrived at the hospital she pretended and i was more than shocked....then she was taken into the ICU and the doctor keep reviving her...and I know she was pretending "how is she doing it" I found my myself asking myself again

'Until' i saw that she started breathing and the doctors were relieved...then i was thanked by her mother who doesn't know the truth...but who am I to tell her a thing....ofcouse I'm a nobody..I said,

As soon I left there I felt someone presence..and he wasn't a human when he shows himself, then he said "I believe you wanna be next if you spell" no I'm not...I found myself replying it stays with me till my death I said shakingly, " I see" he said....but if you does your family is next and I would turture you till you can't take it anymore.... I staggered when he said that...I can't lose my family, they are too precious to me, if it means that I should keep the secret I would till my death...I said..what have I gotten my self into I said leaving the hospital....