It's Emily eighteenth birthday and she invited all her classmates since it is the last year they will spend together...

In her room she was busy dressing up herself with the help of Julia.... suddenly Risha busted into her room

"Oh my Emily you look gorgeous"Risha said displaying dramatically..

Emily scoffed " Really!" she raised her eyebrows

"Yes of course I looked at her", look at your gown, the silk materials and the way it was sowed "you look like a princess..."

Okay let get going the party is about to start I shouted..."Goshh I'm so excited today mark my first day of being an adult I'm gonna party"

As soon as I got downstairs everywhere was dark, suddenly every one shouted "Happy Birthday Emily" I was taken aback I wasn't expecting it to be sincere, I never have this type of big party in my has always being my mom, Jake and Risha celebrating my birthday with me...

I don't know when tears started dropping from my eye..Emily are you crying my mom asked; No I'm not I guess it's tears of joy because you really planned this birthday for me... Thanks Mom you are the best I said pecking her cheeks, of course baby come here let mommy give you a big hug..."awwn" I said hugging her, you feel warm I told her

Later that evening everyone gave me their gift and congratulated me and they all it remain my mom, Risha and myself in the house

Risha gave me my gift I was a necklace and I love it and I hugged her, thank I love it I told her... I'm glad you love it hugging me back

I need to leave she told me!"okay see you at school tomorrow" bye ...

Now I turned to my mom and I hugged her but I felt she is nervous like she want to say something...

Mom do you want to tell me anything I asked;

Yes mommy wants to tell you what I have kept hidden from the past 18 years and what happened to your father... I'm afraid yesterday was your last day being a human...

What do you mean, I asked her while my eyes narrowed

Does she know I I don't think so, she doesn't believe in all that I felt relieved, but what did she mean that yesterday was the last day of being a human, she definitely knows something

My queen I think she knows your true identity!"Jared mind linked me..

I also thinks she already knows, but let me hear from her I said...

"Okay"Jared said, then I blocked out the connection, that's something I learnt

Okay let sit on the couch my mom said...okay let me start

Okay...I said

It was about 19years ago, I got married to your father Erick and after a while I wasn't able to conceive we went to meet different doctors but they said nothing was wrong with me, so on a particular night your father came up with an idea but he said that I might not be able to agree to the terms "he said", I will agree to anything I told him. I will do anything for our child I said again..

So the next day when we arrived, it was a creepy place but I didn't mind because the previous night he has told me about it...

When we entered the place, it was very dark so we heard a voice and she revealed herself, she said her name was Morgana and she is a witch..

As soon she said that word "witch"..I panicked inwardly, what did she know

So she asked us what we came for,and we told her, then she explained to us that for her to give us what we want, we must give the same thing In return, answer nodded

Suddenly your father said that he is willing to sacrifice his life for his child, then the witch blew some air inside my stomach I felt strange but I didn't say anything, but when we are about to leave she stopped us and she said that the child won't be a human that the child would be a witch, she said that you will be born a human but you would be a witch as soon you clocked eighteen

My eyes widen, so it is my destiny to be a witch! "I muttered"

Then the next day, I started having symptoms of pregnancy and your father took me to the hospital and the doctor confirmed that I'm pregnant, we both went home happily and dreaming about you...

A week later you father was in the kitchen washing the dishes and I was in the bedroom folding the sheet suddenly your father slumped and fell, I heard the sound from the bedroom and I ran to the kitchen and I saw him on the floor unconscious, i immediately took my phone and called emergency number about like ten minutes later ambulance arrived and they rushed him to the hospital....

After awhile in the hospital he was revived and he held my hand saying his time is up and he also said that I should promise him that I would revealed everything to you as soon you clocked eighteen and that's today...

I didn't realize she was sobbing until she told me everything...and also I didn't feel remorseful, I don't know why, is it because I already know my identity, I asked myself

So that means I was really born as a witch and until I clocked eighteen before I truly became a witch, I asked her and she nodded in agreement..

You know what mom, I already know that I'm a witch..her eyes narrowed

What did you mean she asked me, I said I'm a witch and not even ordinary witch, I'm the queen of them... I'm the ruler of them all, I own the kingdom...I said loudly

Now I understand what I need to do..."I said" glaring hatefully at my mom!.