Emily was sitting down on her throne, and the door opened letting the light witches in..

"My queen", they bow

Why are you here, Emily asked curiously..

We are here to tell you about Lola who is berita's mom. "Okay" I'm listening

It's started.....


A woman was seen wondering around the kingdom.."who are you"a guard ask.

I'm homeless please help me and my unborn baby, I was chased out of my home I don't have where else to go. I came to seek shelter here

"Okay" wait over here, I would be right back the guard said looking at the woman with pity. Few moment later the guard was back and he took the woman into the palace..

"You are asked to stay here".

Meanwhile in the palace

So you came here to seek shelter I see, but do you know that you will go through some ritual for you to be among the citizens of the kingdom, the light witches told her...

I'm willing to do anything, as far it will guarantee our safety, the woman replied.."Good" in the next full moon and that's tomorrow you are expected to be seen at the coven.

"Okay thank you so much", Lola said

At midnight

All witches are already gathered together and Jericho step forward. All you have to do is to agree or disagree to the Oath.

Okay, she replied

Let the ritual begin. Do you Lola agree to accept to be among the Dark park realm, and agree to be among the citizen to promote peace and harmony, and not to bring shame upon our kingdom and let all secret you hear in the kingdom remain in the kingdom, and if you betray the kingdom, it will be considered treason..

"Do you agree?"

Yes I do, Lola replied..

The next phrase of the ritual is that we will officially add you among the people of the Kingdom by giving you a unique scent which everyone in the kingdom has. For people should differentiate and know the realm where you are from..

Jericho immediately cut his palm and his drip his blood into a moulded plate..

"Drink it", immediately Lola drank it and slump

Leave her, the blood will take effect on her before she will be able to control her self.

And that's conclude the ritual, she is know officially part of the dark park realm..


Lola opened her eyes and found herself in an unfamiliar place and started moving but she felt some changes in her body...

She remembered what happened, I see now I'm part of the realm..."Mission accomplished" she smirked.

But suddenly her water broke, she grasp

"But the time for my delivery is not yet due, how come and immediately she started having contractions she started chanting some spell, but it didn't work". I don't have any other choice then...

"Help, help, help", Some one there please help me..she tried chanting some spell again for some help, but to her surprise it work.

Help please, immediately Jared appear and chant some spell to relieve the pain she is having for a little while. While he summon some witches to help her.

Two hours later, a cry of a baby was heard and was carried out by a witch, she bowed and hand over the child to Jared."it's a baby girl"

Ohh I see, hand over the baby back to Lola, I'm out of here. Immediately he said it, the baby was handed over to Lola and she smiled and hugged her to her chest.. "I'm going to name you BERITA".


"Berita", Lola called

Yes mom, she hugged her

The reason why I called you here is because you are on a mission and I'm going to tell you something, before you started the mission that I will appoint to you..


Few years ago before you were born, I was from in the silver park realm and was given a task.

And what is that, Berita ask

A task to kill the queen of the dark park realm, and before that I planned to join the realm and it works, and we only take orders from our queen RUKAI from the silver park realm..

Okay I will remember that, so what should I do, Berita ask..

It's simple you have to kill the queen, I have a feeling that the queen is already reincarnated and she is currently in the human world...

All you have to do is to mask your Saint, so she won't figure you out and follow my orders, okay mom

That means, I have to befriend her and become her best friend so she can trust me fully and I will strike..

Now that is my girl, your mission start now...

Immediately Berita cast some spell on her self to mask and disappear into the human world..


As soon the light witches told Emily all about Berita, her blood started boiling and the whole Kingdom started to shake.

Calm down my Queen, Jared told her but he was pushed away by force.

Get Lola here now, she shouted

Yes my queen...

Few minutes later, Lola was on her knee in front of Emily, "why did you commit treason" Emily asked angrily..

Because this realm was never my realm from the start, I'm just following my queen's order..and for my daughter please I beg for your mercy to release her she knows nothing about it..

I was the one who pushed her..

Wait you were the one who sent her by following RUKAI orders, Emily asked

Yes, I was just following my queen orders...

I see, but I'm not letting your daughter go nor you because I'm going to kill you right here and right now

Immediately Emily cut Lola neck and she died instantly..

Bring Berita here right now, the guard rushed out to follow her orders..

Suddenly a guard came and knee down in fear, My Queen she is nowhere to be found, "WHAT!"..