He Was Gone

As he held her hand, the water seemed not to affect her. He fervently prayed to the God Poseidon, begging him to grant him the healing powers of the waters just this once, just this time... but he remained silent.

He raised the cup towards the sky, calling upon Zeus. Now that he has the goblet once again and has defeated most of Persephone's followers, he hopes that he can find a solution to Cassie's predicament.

Damn it! If I had known this was going to be the outcome, I would have never devoted myself to those Gods. They've completely abandoned me.

Blake sensed a slight movement in Cassie's hand. She's still alive!

He shut his eyes, leaving the fate of the world in the hands of the Gods on Olympus. He did everything he could, but they didn't hold up their end of the bargain.

Tonight, I'll relinquish all my duties and even accept damnation if it means saving the girl I love. I'll do whatever it takes.