Tears and blood

As soon as she repeated the words, Khalilah was gripped by an unknown terror, the strange feeling left her in an imaginary chokehold, her eyes widened in surprise as she gasped for air. She gripped her neck tightly trying to look for the force that was strangling her, but it was futile and the tension increased and it only stopped when she was almost out of air. 

She fell on her stomach and she began to cough, the lights came back on and they steadied. 

"Do you understand just how powerful I am?" Olive asked again, his shoes coming back to her field of vision that were now blurry, she coughed some more as she palmed her throat, the strangulation had stopped but the pain was still there. 

What the hell was that? It was like a scene straight out from a horror movie, there was no hand yet her air supply was cut off. 

Her eyes became teary, she was terrified and she wanted to leave, she felt herself tremble.