The Snack Closet

Being in the snack closet with Roxanne had been one of my many Roxanne dreams, and her suggestion to bite me made me start to get hard. I guess I had a stupid look because she got up and prompted, "You want to find out?" She got closer, and I put my arms around her waist. She leaned in and finally felt her soft lips. She smelled like roses and expensive perfume. After ten seconds, she leaned back and asked, "Isn't there a camera in here?" The snack closet was a self-checkout honor system and there, indeed, was a camera. I smiled and said, "Yeah, but I am the law." She chuckled, but before I could kiss her again, my radio rang out, "Security is needed to stand by the ambulance bay for EMS, bringing in an aggressive patient who will be here in ten minutes." She said, "I'll see you down there, Tiger." I departed and had about five minutes to think of dark thoughts to get my erection down to at least half mast.

 Once I got to the bay, Chester said, "You left your candy bar on the counter." He looked at me with a stupid ass smile. I blushed and said, "I gave you a show. You should thank me." Before I could make some R-rated statements, an ambulance came flying into the bay. The door flung open, and there was a complete dog fight inside, drowned out with rabid screaming. One cop and a medic struggled to hold the girl on the stretcher. I went in first, and the police officer, Officer Bowers, requested, "Help us drag this brat out." Chester and I helped the officer get the girl out and on the ground. She was as strong as a rabid cat that didn't want to be held. We got her back in cuffs that she slipped and a bolo cord around her ankles. Bowers asked, "Is everyone good?" Chester and I both nodded, and the paramedic said, "The fucker bit me." He showed us the bloody bite on his forearm, and I'd never seen anything like it. It wasn't a normal human bite and had four entry holes. I looked down at the hog-tied girl, who was oddly silent now, but her mouth was covered in blood. The paramedic, Sam, stated, "I gave her a shitload of Versed."

 An ER tech came out with a stretcher, and we put the teenager on the bed. The tech, Miller, wheeled the bed into an empty room, and we accompanied him. Redington strolled in with Roxanne and said, "Sam, head to room 6 to get that bite looked at, Roxanne, draw blood to see if this kid has any blood-borne illnesses, and let's get our friend here in hard restraints." Chester, Miller and I got the restraints on quickly because Versed has a short half-life. Sam left the room, and Bowers said, "Once this little meth head is cleared, I will book her for Felony Battery on Specific Personnel on top of the drug charges." Roxanne then walked into the room, and Bowers looked at Chester and me, "You two posers can leave now." Bowers was one of the rookie police officers who I had beefed with, and before I could tear into him, Roxanne proclaimed, "I need them to stay." I couldn't help it and gave Bowers a little grin.

Bowers tapped three fingers on the bed's side, telling me to go fuck myself. Before I could develop a retaliatory attack, Chester elbowed me to knock it off. Roxanne was ready to draw blood and had put a tourniquet on the kid's arm. As Roxanne was making her final preparations, I looked at the kid's face, and she looked familiar. The kid fit the bill for the average drug addict, but I had seen her before. Roxanne said, "I'm ready to start." I got a little closer to the right side of the bed, and Bowers said. "Don't worry, champ, I'll make sure Roxanne doesn't get hurt." The phrase "We are certainly having words and maybe fists after this." echoed in my head. Roxanne barked, "Knock it off before I call your Sergeant." I thought, "Shit, I could never get away with that." There was an awkward silence, and Roxanne began to draw blood from her left arm." I looked up briefly to see Bowers on his phone, probably crying to his boss. Before I could say anything, the girl's eyes flung open, and she broke her right arm restraint at the buckle. With lightning speed, she grabbed a fist full of Roxanne's hair and yanked her towards her. I shoved my right arm between the teen's face and Roxanne's neck.

The teen latched onto my arm with her teeth, and Bowers drew his taser. In a shaky voice, Bowers demanded, "Let go of his arm!" Chester wrapped his hands around the teen's neck to get her to spit my arm out, and I pushed my arm into her face to keep her from tearing off a chunk. Chester yelled," Dry Stun her, you pussy!" Bowers finally removed the taser carriage and tased the teen in the ribs. The teen let me go and screamed, "THE SKY IS BLACK AND THEY ARE COMING!" This was the tweaker that I almost ran over the other day. During the scuffle, Roxanne left and got a sedative which Redington had ordered just in case. The teen was trying to bite us as we pinned her to the bed, and Roxanne was able to dart her. The teen passed back out, and I looked at my bloody arm. It was the same bite mark Sam had. Redington came running back in and told me, "Hank, get your ass in room 5, so I can treat you two idiots side by side." It was 4:30 AM, and Chester called Thomas to come in early. I went into room five and awaited a lecture on self-preservation.