

As I lay hiding in the bushes, ready to throw eggs at a high schooler who bullied my friend, I briefly weighed the consequences to benefit probability. I gathered that there was a fifty-fifty chance I would get out of this without any issues. My friend, Noe, had laid double-sided duct tape on the pavement so when the asshole high schooler, Frank, ran over the tape with his brand new truck his rich parents bought him, it would sound like a flat tire. Frank and his posey often picked on Noe due to Noes's Hispanic heritage. Frank hired a mariachi band the previous day to follow Noe around at school, and videos made it all over the internet. Noe told me about it, and when we told the principal, nothing came of it because Frank's parents were big donors to the teacher's union. We also told the school cop, but she said a crime hadn't been committed and we should not waste her time. I attributed her rudeness to Frank's mom being the county prosecutor. I decided Frank needed to be taught a lesson that he isn't untouchable and actions have consequences. When I heard a whistle around the corner, it was Noe's queue that Frank was coming. I could hear the roar of the V8 with the modified exhaust to make it louder. Frank decided it was a good idea to lift the truck 4 four inches, put street tires on it, and install spinning rims. The truck rounded the corner and headed right toward the tape. Frank's driver's side front tire hit the tape, causing it to stick to the tire. After hitting the tape, I figured the truck would continue about 15 feet, and my prediction was spot on. As the truck stopped right in front of my hiding spot, I could hear the obnoxiously loud rap music that made the windows of the truck rattle. The truck shut off, and Frank got out, yelling obscenities.

He bent down to look at the tire, and I wound up the throw to nail him in the back of the head. Before I could fire it off, a hand grabbed my arm and yanked me backward onto the floor. I looked up to see Deputy Harrison standing over me. He whispered, "Keep your mouth shut and don't move, or else you are going to jail." I nodded with a terrified look on my face. I could hear the tape pull off the tire, the truck started, and the rap music got quieter as it got further away. Harrison said, "Put your hands behind your back." I stupidly responded, "I want a lawyer." Harrison responded by flipping me on my stomach and putting cuffs on me. He retorted, "If you keep being a brat, you will need one. I'm bringing you home to your parents." I yelled, "NO!! Take me to jail" I knew that I was in deep shit, and this was not going to go over well because my father was a politician, and it was made clear to me growing up that if I fucked up, it would cost my father his job. Harrison said, "You need to learn that foolish acts of aggression do nothing but hurt your cause. I heard about what happened at school, and it is bullshit that nothing will happen to Frank, but someday, he'll stop being invincible." I sat quietly thinking about the statement when Harrison continued, "Get up and walk to my car around the corner." I stood up and decided that trying to run for it with handcuffs was foolish and would only make things worse.

Once we got to the car, Harrison opened the door, and I slid into the back seat. Once the door was shut, I looked out the window to see Noe behind a tree, and he appeared to be crying. I remained composed and gave Noe a wink. He smiled, waved, and ran back home. Harrison climbed in, and we drove to my house in silence. Once we pulled up to the front of the house, he got out and spoke with my awaiting parents, both standing outside with crossed arms. I knew I was in for a hell of ass-chewing. Harrison returned to the car, opened the door, and uncuffed me. He whispered in my ear, "Next time when you're pissed about something, call me," and then he slipped a card into my shirt pocket." I nodded and walked towards the house. My father screamed at me, "GET YOUR STUPID ASS IN YOUR FUCKING ROOM!" I made the mistake of scoffing, and the onslaught continued. "YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY!! IF YOU GET ARRESTED FOR BEING A DUMBASS, I WILL LOSE MY JOB. IF THAT HAPPENS, YOU ARE OUT ON THE FUCKING STREET WHEN YOU TURN 18!!" I was fed up with his all-about-me shit, and I yelled back, "I WAS TRYING TO TEACH THAT ASSHOLE A LESSON FOR BEING A BULLY BECAUSE THE STUPID CITY COPS WON'T DO ANYTHING!!" My father launched back, "I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR FRIEND!! THE ONLY THING I CARE ABOUT IS KEEPING THIS FAMILY ABOVE WATER. IF YOU EVER WANT TO GO TO COLLEGE AND FOR ME TO PAY FOR IT, YOU BETTER CUT YOUR SHIT RIGHT THIS FUCKING SECOND!!" I knew that this wasn't the hill to die on, and I just had to stick it out for a few years. I walked back to my room, doing my best not to shed a tear. I tried to close the door, and my mom grabbed the door. She asked, "You think you are off scott free? I think not." She barged into my room, grabbed my gaming console, my phone, and laptop." I decided to invoke the fifth and not make it worse on myself. My mom left my room, and I climbed in bed. I was grounded from everything for six weeks.


Roxanne asked, "Why did they punish you? You tried to do the right thing. Maybe not the right way, but nonetheless, you tried." I smirked. "Yeah. I certainly tried." Roxanne asked, "Whatever happened to Noe?" I paused for a second to try to remember. I concluded, "I think he moved to Mexico somewhere." Roxanne smiled. "We should try to see him when we make it down there. I stated, "That would be nice. I've been wondering what happened to him. I tried to find him online, but there are many people with his name, and it was a long time ago." Roxanne continued with, "Did you ever hear anything about Frank?" I chuckled. "He got arrested by a trooper in a neighboring state for a DUI. The two states did not get along, and when the troopers found a chance to jam up a rich brat, they capitalized. It was a cherry on top for them to dent the neighboring state's reputation." Roxanne laughed and said, "I guess Frank got what he deserved." I continued, "I guess everything came full circle. Frank got what he deserved, and I learned it was important to me to help others." Roxanne smiled and kissed me on the cheek. She cooed, "And that's why I love you."