Let the Monster Out to Play

We both finished our drinks, and Roxanne grabbed my hand. She led me to the bedroom, and I was a seven-pushing eight on the drunk scale. Roxanne ordered, "Stay here." I did as told, and she went into the closet. She returned wearing a stunning one-piece swimsuit and asked, "What do you think?" I stammered, "Gorgeous." with a flirtatious smile, Roxanne held out a matching speedo. Tipsy me snatched it from her hands and put it on without question. I joked, "My nuts are touching my upper intestine." Roxanne got close and grasped my testicles. She looked up at me and said, "We will have to fix that." I picked her up so we were at eye level and passionately kissed. Merlin barked from the other room, and Roxanne looked at the clock. She insisted, "We have to go, or we will miss the sunset." I put her down, and she led me out the door. On our way out, I looked into Merlin's room, and he was contently sitting on the bed. I walked out and followed Roxanne to the elevator. The elevator went up to the level that said beach. We got out and walked up to the concierge. Roxanne said, "I have a reservation for Dumont." Most couples spend months together getting to know each other before they make big decisions, but we were together less than a week and I barely knew her. I didn't know her favorite alcohol or her last name. I worried we were moving way too fast, but before I could continue to speculate, Roxanne interrupted, "Henry. If you think we are moving too quickly, tell me." I admitted, "I have waited my whole life to find my soulmate but never imagined it would happen. Now that it is happening, I am afraid of losing it." Roxanne hugged me and said, "Together until Death." 

Roxanne led me outside into the warm evening, and the sun was about to set. There were cabanas that functioned as miniature hotel rooms. Roxanne led me to one of the cabanas with lawn chairs, a miniature kitchen, a bottle of champagne, and a room made of opaque glass. Roxanne knocked twice on the side of the box, and it went from opaque to transparent. A door popped open, and we went inside. There was a large bed with a little heart box on it. Roxanne opened the box, and there was a man's wedding band. Roxanne got down on one knee and asked, "Henry. Will you marry me?" It had never crossed my mind that a woman would propose to me. I planned to do the same, but she beat me to it.

I affirmed, "Yes!" I stuck out my finger, and when she put the ring on it, it was the same one I was looking at in Vegas. It had pieces of a dinosaur tooth in it. The ring had a mesmerizing mix of blue opal, meteorite, and bone. I bent down on one knee and retrieved her ring from the box. It was a stunning gold ring with an otherworldy sapphire that accented the blue opal in my ring and I put it on her finger. We removed our clothes and then crawled into bed together. The glass shimmered and Roxanne whispered, "The glass is one-way, so we can do whatever we want. We lay facing each other, and we were at eye level. I grasped her left leg and slid it over my waist. We began to kiss passionately. Contrary to Vegas, we were making love. She reached down and removed my speedo. My penis was ready for the occasion, and she rubbed it against her entrance. I used my right hand to massage her breast, and she was becoming wet. She inserted it, and I gently thrusted. She exhaled, and I continued to rock my pelvis back and forth. I focused on smooth, methodical strokes and tried to enjoy every second of it. 

She began to moan into my mouth and whispered, "Faster." That position only allowed for so much, so I rolled over with me on top of her. We interlocked forearms, and I leaned back on my knees. I began to thrust while pulling her closer, making her perfectly shaped breasts bounce back and forth. She began to moan louder and ordered, "Faster, faster." I was thrusting as quickly as possible, making my relaxed testicles slap against her, and after five strenuous minutes, she yelled, "I'M COMING!" I felt her squirt against my penis, but I kept going. She continued to squirt and scream, "HENRY HARDER." and "I WANT YOUR BABY!" That statement was my breaking point, and I nutted. After I came, I got close to her, and she wrapped her hands around my shoulder blades. I thrusted a few more times for good measure and left my penis inside of her until it retreated. I wanted my semen to stay inside her for as long as possible. I couldn't explain it, but I wanted a child with her. I got off and lay next to her. We got close, and while staring into her memorizing eyes, she whispered, "Are you going to be ready for a second round?" She tugged on my penis, and I taunted, "You have to ask him." She smiled, pushed me on my back, and slid down between my parted legs. She began to suck all of the cum off of my penis and extended her claws. She lightly dragged them across my abs and down my pelvis. Between that and sucking, my friend rose to the occasion. Among many positive consequences of becoming a vampire, a lightning-quick recovery time was towards the top. 

Once it got hard, she climbed on top of me and rocked back and forth. I put my hands on her hips and began to thrust. She ordered, "HENRY HARDR!" I flipped her onto her side, causing her to squeak, and put her in a fetal position. I got on my knees, moved her to the edge of the bed with my knees on the floor, and inserted my rock-hard penis in her. I began to thrust, and Roxanne was moaning uncontrollably. I used my right hand to reach around and press her stomach while still using my left to press into the small of her back. It felt like a warm, tight, wet vice, and it felt extraordinary. I continuously rammed my pelvis as fast and hard as possible into her vagina, and she was screaming. I could feel my own penis with my hand as I was attempting to touch her upper intestine. My necklace was flying everywhere, but I decided to keep it on because it made me feel powerful. I pressed both hands as hard as possible, and my eyes fluttered, abs locked up, and came. I pulled out, and she flipped over onto her back, panting. I got back on the bed and collapsed on top of her, using her breasts as pillows. She quietly asked, "Where did you learn how to do all of that." I giggled, "I used to watch a lot of porn." We both belly laughed, and she instructed, "Look outside."

I looked outside just in time to see the sun disappear with a flash over the horizon. I rose in bed, and she spooned up against me. She asked, "Are you sure you want to marry me?" I quickly responded." Of course. You are the best thing that has come into my life and the push I needed to do something I've always wanted." She asked, "Do what?" I responded, "I always wanted to travel and never had the willpower to do it alone." I decided to ask a nagging question, "Are you okay with all of the rough sex?" She responded, "At first, I was nervous, but I enjoyed it. I believe that the vampire side of me craves it." I agreed with her hypothesis. I admitted, "I've tried to keep it sensual, but I always end up pushing it further than intended." She hypothesized, "For as long as we live, we will have to fight an internal war within ourselves, and if we don't let the monster out to play, it will take over. "I instructed, "If it ever goes too far, tell me." She said, "I will, but I know that your human side will always prevail." I probed, "What was with the baby statement?" She blushed. " I don't know. It kind of slipped out." I said, "If I had heard a statement like that from any other girl on this earth, I would've puked." She giggled. "Thank you. I think?" We sat there cuddled up, and I asked, "Can we stay like this forever?" She smiled and said, "I have more planned."