Double Hook Up

The ship slowed and crept up to the oil rig. There was constant movement in the water from bait fish and the occasional explosion of water caused by a predator fish. Toby found us and said, "Let's get you two fishing." We followed Toby to the back of the boat, and he had set up two fishing rods. He had lures rigged up, and he instructed, "When the school of bait fish round to our side, I'll cast the lures for you guys, and then you reel." We both nodded, and then I saw the shimmer of the bait fish caused by the bright lights from the oil rig. Toby launched one lure and then the other. He handed us our respective rods, and we began to reel. I looked over at Roxanne, and she had a big smile. Before I could ask her if she had been fishing, my rod lurched forward, and I had a massive fish on the line. I planned to hand the rod to Roxanne to let her bring it in because Landon used to do the same for me, but her rod was also fully keeled over. Toby exclaimed, "Double hook up!" He retrieved two waist rod holders and attached them to us. He instructed, "Spread out and do your best to keep them from crossing over each other." We did as told and fought our fish for about 30 minutes. My arms were exhausted, and I looked at Roxanne. She was laser-focused on bringing in her fish. Roxanne got it in first, and it was a good-sized tuna. Toby gaffed it and quickly lifted it over the rail. Toby then ran over to me and was ready to spear it. I saw a gigantic spiked dorsal fin, and Toby exclaimed, "That's the biggest Rooster Fish I've ever seen. After I gaff it, run to the rack and grab another gaff." Toby speared it, and I retrieved the other gaff. I stuck it, and we both yanked it up and over the rail. Roxanne exclaimed, "What is that thing?" I explained, "It's called a roosterfish." Toby hoisted both fish using a pully on a beam and asked, "Do you two want a picture." Roxanne exclaimed, "Yes!" Toby pulled out a durable camera and hugged our dead fish. Toby snapped the photo, but before he could show us, our ship was hit with a spotlight, and police boats surrounded us. A loudspeaker boomed, "No te resistas. Su barco será abordado!" 

Toby calmly instructed, "Stay calm. The police will board the boat, check the fishing licenses I got you, and leave." A boat moored alongside us, and three heavily armed men boarded. After the three men surrounded us, a fourth man in a suit boarded. He walked right towards me and ordered, "Open your mouth." I hesitated but complied because I knew that he knew what we were. He probed my mouth with a large queue tip, and my fangs extended. He smiled and stated, "Welcome to Mexico, Mr. Anderson. My name is Agent Martinez, and I am excited to formally meet you." He looked at my ring and declared, "Congratulations. That's a beautiful ring she bought you." I gave him a confused look. He clarified, "I have been watching you two closely. I read the official report from the Americans, and you two left a remarkable wake of destruction; however, it did list you two as not at fault. Regardless, I want to clarify that even though my country is forgiving regarding your kind, we do not tolerate fruitless violence." That was a humorous statement because parts of Mexico were a constant warzone between cartels, the government, and sometimes the Americans. He looked at Roxanne. "You should finish your last surprise at the resort and get to where you are going." Roxanne nodded, and he turned to me, "You and your dog are going to be useful for my government when you get to Cabo San Libertad." I hadn't heard the name of where we were going, and it was interesting. In English, it roughly translates to Cape Liberty. He continued, "You two have skill sets, and I am going to recommend you have suitable housing arrangements, but you will do as you are told if you want to stay here." I started to ask, "What does that..." Agent Martinez interrupted, "Don't question me. You will learn everything when you get there." He turned to the massive fish and ordered, "Toby. They seem to have accomplished what they came for, so get them back to the resort. I will pay for their excursion." One of the three men pulled out a stack of money and handed it to Toby. Agent Martinez parted with, "Stay out of trouble, and Mr. Anderson, I will see you soon."

The agent and his goons deboarded, and Toby exclaimed, "Let us get back, and Roxanne, your last piece of the excursion will be waiting." Toby returned to the wheelhouse, and we started our return journey. I looked at Roxanne and joked, "I should've asked Agent Martinez if he thought I was good in bed." She laughed and said, "You always know how to make me laugh when times are rough." I hugged her and corrected, "Things are going great! I am with the love of my life, it sounds like we have a secure place to live, and I have a job." She laughed. "You're right." We returned to the bow and enjoyed the cool air for the ride back.

Once we got near the shore, the driverless skiff picked us up and took us to the beach. We disembarked, and Roxanne led me to the main building. We walked inside to the hustle and bustle. We walked through this massive atrium filled with trees, water features, and parrots in the trees. Roxanne led me into a tattoo parlor named "Your Mother's Worst Nightmare Tattoo Parloor." I laughed, "This is certainly one more arrow for the quiver of things my mother would disapprove of." Roxanne countered, "Who cares what that bitch has to say." I said, "Not me." The tattoo artist, a tall female covered from head to toe in tattoos, said, "You must be Hank." She smelled weird, and her heart sounded out of synch. She sensed I had questions about her. She addressed me with an English accent. "You're quite an astute vampire, aren't you?" As I tried to figure out what she was, Roxanne assisted, "She is a Gene." The tattoo artist looked at Roxanne, "Nice to meet you, sweetheart. I'm Elizabeth. Both of you take a seat, and we will get started." I decided not to probe further into what a Gene entails because I didn't want her to turn my nuts into hamsters or Roxanne into a guy. We sat in adjacent seats, and I asked, "Where is your other tattoo artist?" Elizabeth scoffed, "I don't need any help." Elizabeth gathered a few random jars of things and poured the contents into a large pot. She put the two tattoo guns in the pot and lit a match. She dropped the match, and a large plume of blue smoke arose, and out of the vapor, the two tattoo guns were floating. I didn't know what was more concerning. The tattoo guns were floating, or I didn't know what tattoo I was getting.