The Answers We Were Looking For

We got into the shower, which had the same view into the ocean reef as the living room. The shower had a rainfall feature and automatically played rainforest sounds. The sun was rising, and the reef was vibrant with activity. I pulled Roxanne's hip close and wrapped my arms around her. We both quietly watched all of the fish. There were fish of all sizes, shapes, and colors, but they were all coexisting. Predator fish were swimming alongside the prey, and I asked Roxanne, "Why do you think that the fish are playing nice with each other?" She brilliantly answered, "I think they have a common understanding that the reef is a safe place." The large Barracuda came up to the glass and examined us. I let go of Roxanne, lifted my arm, and turned so that it could see the entire tattoo. It opened its mouth, showing its razor-sharp teeth, and then shut it.

Roxanne joked, "I can't tell if it wants to eat you or be your side piece." I chuckled, "I'll pass on both of those." I turned to Roxanne and said, "You are the only one for me." We embraced, and the Barracuda swam away. I admitted, "Besides getting kidnapped, these last few days have been the best of my life. I don't want to go back to a normal life." Roxanne said, "Me too, but Cabo de Libertad is the safest place for us, and we both love to work." Roxanne was right. I have always loved to work, and Agent Martinez made it sound like I was going into a law enforcement position. I conceded, "You're always right." We got out of the shower and walked to our room. Merlin sprawled out in the middle of our bed. I was ready to tell him to beat feet, but Roxanne said, "Just one night Merlin." I thought, "One night, my ass." Roxanne gave me the universal look of knock it off. We crawled into bed, and I big-spooned Roxanne, and she big-spooned Merlin. I reached over Roxanne and gave Merlin a belly rub. I said, "Okay, this is not that bad." The three of us fell asleep.

I woke up alone in bed, and the clock said 6 pm. I got up and asked, "Roxanne?" I walked into the living room, and there was a note. It read, "Good morning, Henry! I took Merlin to get a few things, and we will be back. Everything is packed up, so relax!" I sat in front of the T.V. and turned it to the American News. The camera focused on a news anchor standing in front of the old hospital. The headline read, "THE RUARAL RAMPAGER HAS BEEN NUETRILIZED BY POLICE." The news anchor stated, "The rural rampager accused of killing ten people has been killed. Federal authorities say that the man is a foreign national, and his name will not be released." I did the math, and ten people seemed like three too many. Before I could figure out the added bodies, the anchor said, "All of the victims have been identified." Photos of everyone were shown, starting with Bowers, Thompson, Sam, the two federal agents, the three hicks, me, and Roxanne. The door opened, and Roxanne walked in. I said, "It looks like we are dead." Roxanne and Merlin both sat on the couch opposite of me. Roxanne said, "Oh my god." The anchor depicted, "Federal authorities have laid out a timeline of events. The killings started as a home robbery, and authorities believe the killer was after a large stash of fentanyl. The suspect entered the home of the Larmamy brothers and, during the robbery, killed all three of them. The suspect fled in a late model pickup, and a chase ensued. During the pursuit, the suspect ran his vehicle into a police vehicle occupied by Officers Bowers and Thompson, killing them both. The suspect's vehicle was immobilized during the accident, and he proceeded on foot. He ran two miles and shot an off-duty paramedic, Sam, who was waiting for a light to turn green, killing him. The suspect stole the vehicle belonging to Sam. Two days later, he killed a couple in the parking lot of a restaurant and stole their truck. The two victims are identified as Henry and Roxanne. One day later, authorities caught up with the suspect, and a rolling gunfight ensued on a federal highway near the Mexico border. The gunfight resulted in the gunman and two federal agents being killed." I said, "There is no way people will buy that." The news anchor disproved my claim and said, "What we are about to show you is graphic, so viewer discretion is advised. The reel started with Jimmy breaking into a home, footage of the pickup the hunters had ramming into a police car, red light camera footage of Jimmy in Sam's car, the final shootout, and a video of Roxanne and I getting killed in a parking lot. Roxanne cried, "It looks so real." I hugged her and soothed, "It's okay. It's all over. Our old life is officially sealed shut." I hugged Roxanne and wiped a tear away from her eye. She said, "You're right." I said, "Let's get going." We grabbed all of our things and headed for the lobby. We checked out, and all three of us went into the truck. I raised the center console, and Merlin lay down in the middle. I put the tuck in gear, and we were on the last leg of our journey.

 Roxanne asked, "Are you okay if I rest? I am still drowsy?" I said, of course, babe." She smiled and snuggled up against the window. I had a chance to think to myself. I was happy but equally sad that the feds faked our death. It kept other hunters away from us, but it made visiting loved ones in the States damn near impossible. I wanted to reconnect with Chester someday, and even though I hated them, my parents. I wanted to prove to them that I could accomplish things without their help and make my own life. I finally had a real family and the longer I spent with Roxanne, the more I wanted to have a baby with her. The statements she made about making a baby would've made the old me run away puking but not the new me. I wanted a child more than ever, but it was unclear if she could have a baby. I hope the Cabo de Libertad had the answers we were looking for.