The Solution and More Stalking

Asher wasn't sure how Passion Princess got his phone number, but with her status and influence, he figured that she had more than enough resources at her disposal. Life quickly became even more of a nightmare for the young man as the obsessed heroine relentlessly texted him throughout the day, and being too scared at what she might do if he blocked her number, Asher was forced to reply every now and again just to keep her off his back.

"Oh gosh, what's she saying now?" Priya asked as her boyfriend's phone buzzed on the nightstand next to their bed while the two settled in for the night.

"I get anxiety every time my phone goes off," Asher replied with a shudder, before picking up his smart phone.

"Are you guys going to fuck now?" the text from the still-unsaved number read. "Think about me while you're screwing that whore. Cum to the image my fat ass pressing up against your pelvis, let your mind only dwell on my body."

"So I think I'm going to go out and buy a gun," the young man sighed as he set his phone back down.

"To use on her? She's bulletproof," Priya replied.

"Not for her. For me," Asher whimpered as he covered his eyes with his arm. "Fuck me, how do I even respond to this?"

Reading his phone, Priya grew visibly angry as she put it down after looking at the text.

"We need to figure something out," she lamented. "We only have a few days until the deadline that psycho gave me. Dammit, why is the greatest superhero in the world a total rapist that is after my boyfriend? Why us, why, why, why?"

"I'll look into it, I'll call Rand tomorrow and see if he can help us again," Asher yawned as he turned off his bedside lamp. "At least we have one ally in all this."

The couple, exhausted from their respective work days, were eventually able to get some rest, falling into deep slumbers as they slept soundly all through the night. Unfortunately, this made the both of them oblivious to the intruder in their bedroom, who came in without much commotion.

Waking up some 8 hours later, Asher coughed at the feeling of something stuck inside his mouth. Sitting up in bed, he pulled what appeared to be a cloth out from between his lips, before blinking in the dim morning light. His eyes widened in horror as he unfolded the "cloth" to find out that it was actually a pair of lavender-colored panties, and judging by the familiar taste in his mouth, Asher realized that they were used.

"No fucking way," he muttered, reaching for his phone at having a hunch over where the undies had come from.

"Enjoy waking up to my taste. I was wearing those all day," the first message from the unknown number claimed, followed by many heart emojis.

"Okay, that does it," Asher hissed as he climbed out of bed and promptly called the number of his recent police acquaintance.

"Hmmmhm. You awake, hon?" Priya yawned sleepily as she watched her boyfriend make his way out of the bedroom.

"Stay asleep babe, I'm going to handle a few things," Asher reassured her as he went out to the living room and sat down on the couch while the phone rang in his ear.

"Ugh. Hello?" Detective Rand's voice asked groggily from the other end.

"Hey, Detective, it's Asher. You gotta help me, man, I feel like I'm going crazy here," the young man whimpered as he clutched the thick, spiky hair on his head. "You got those screenshots of the texts PP has been sending me, right? Well shit just went even further tonight. I just woke up to her underwear in my mouth!"

"Calm down, son, it's too early for this," Rand replied on the other end, before letting out a wheezy chuckle. "Damn what a crazy bitch though. Luckily for you, I've been thinking of a solution on your behalf."

"Really? Awe man, thank you," Asher sighed with relief. "You okay? You sound kind of hungover.

"It's one of my moods. But anyway, don't get too excited. This plan is going to be quite painful," Rand admitted. "You and your girlfriend are going to need to say goodbye for a little while."

"Really? How long are we talking?" the young man asked, concern in his voice.

"Well she's going to need to break up with you. Not for real, of course, but you both need to separate for her own safety since who knows what Passion Princess might do," the detective began. "After that, I'll arrange for you to be put into the witness protection program. I'll fudge some case and deem it necessary for you to be whisked away for your own protection. Hopefully Passion Princess won't be dumb enough to try and see you while you have a protection detail assigned to you."

"That sounds pretty solid, actually," Asher answered, although is heart sank upon hearing that he couldn't be with his girlfriend. "Do I really need to leave Priya, though?"

"It's for her own good, maybe you can make her understand," Rand suggested. "I mean like I said, it should only have to be a temporary measure. Passion Princess fell for you hard and fast, so maybe she'll get over you fast as well? Who knows."

Asher was just glad that he at least had some kind of plan going forward, although he wasn't looking forward to telling it to Priya. Walking to the bathroom while still on the phone, he winced at seeing his shirtless body in the mirror. There were multiple lipstick prints all over his bare chest.

"Well I can't thank you enough, I think I'm just ready to get my life back to normal," he told the detective. "When should we set this thing in motion?"

"We'll meet later this afternoon," Rand responded. "The sooner the better, at this point. You get ready to have that uncomfortable talk with your girlfriend, and I'll meet with another contact of mine that should be able to help. You'll love this. He's a hero too."

"A superhero is going to help us?" Asher asked, skeptical. 

"He's one of the only heroes I trust, he and I go way back. He doesn't know about Passion Princess, but he'll do me a solid if I ask him," the middle aged cop answered. "As far as he'll know, it's just an assignment acting as your body guard. That should be an even bigger deterrent to that super-powered stalker of yours. She won't risk her public image by showing her true self in front of a fellow hero."

"I hope you're right,"

"Me too. I'll call you when I'm ready. Spend some time with your girl in the meantime."

Hanging up the phone, Asher used a hot towel to rub the makeup stains off his body and returned to the bedroom. Smiling at seeing Priya's messy black hair sprawled all over her pillow, with her having fallen back asleep, he climbed into bed behind her and wrapped one of his arms around her slender body. Feeling her warm skin against his, he was just beginning to relax when he heard his phone vibrate again.

"Way to make me jealous. When are you going to cuddle up with me like that?" the text asked.

"Please let me spend some time with her, I don't know much longer I have," he texted back, hoping that implying that he was going to leave his girlfriend soon would get her off his back. It did the opposite.

Feeling a hand grab his ankle, Asher almost screamed as he was pulled onto the floor and dragged under the couple's large bed. The young man almost had a heart attack as he looked to his side to see Passion Princess herself down there, evidently having been there in the room with him and Priya for an unknown amount of time. Her tall, thick body taking up much of the underside of the bed, she pulled the trembling young man closer and closer, until he was right up against her.

"Shhhh, don't freak out," Passion Princess whispered, her piercing blue eyes blinking at him. "I'll sneak out of here in a bit. Just hold me, baby, hold me now."

"Mommy," Asher whimpered in fear, almost inaudibly.

"Mmmm mommy? Whatever you want to call me," the voluptuous heroine cooed as she wrapped her arms around the shirtless man and pressed him into her blue-costumed body, engulfing him in her huge chest "That's it, hold me. Then let yourself go to sleep. Don't wake Priya, now."

His heart racing, Asher reluctantly put his arms around Passion Princess's body, his trembling hand resting on her hip as the two of them lay there under the bed right beneath his girlfriend. The minutes ticked by, and whether it was because he was still tired or simply smothered in the heroine's ample bust, Asher eventually fell back asleep.


"Babe? What are you doing down there?" Priya asked, jolting the young man awake.

Blinking, Asher looked around to find himself on the bedroom floor, now next to the bed. Alone.

"I ah—I must have fallen out of bed," he chuckled nervously, his eyes now fixating on the currently-open bedroom window. "Anyway, hun, we need to talk…"