The Weapon

Asher blinked slowly as he winced upon feeling the cotton ball that was coated in antibiotic ointment dab into the deep scratches on his back. Lying on his stomach atop the large, plush king sized bed, the young man glanced at Passion Princess, who was sitting on the edge of the mattress, as she lovingly tended to the gruesome wound that ran all the way down his back. The same wound that she was responsible for.

Humming to herself peacefully as she cleaned the injury before applying large, white gauze bandages to the cuts, the superheroine ran her fingers up her captive's back before stopping at his head, where she stroked his hair and massaged his scalp.

"I'm so happy to finally have you here with me," she said, before getting up and adjusting her bathrobe as she beamed at her prisoner. "Just knowing that you won't be going anywhere, it's comforting."

Asher merely blinked at her wordlessly, before slowly rising up himself. His back was throbbing, but the powerful pain killers that Passion Princess had forced him to swallow had largely taken effect.

"So, what now?" he asked.

"Well this is your new home, Hun," the tall blonde replied as she gestured towards the door. "Feel free to explore if you want. Help yourself to something from the kitchen. Watch some TV, or play some video games. Use my gym if you want to work out, although I wouldn't risk reopening your scratch."

"I-I see," Asher nodded. "Thank you. Do you have any coffee?"

"Duh, I made you some this morning!" Passion Princess giggled as she lifted off her feet and floated out of the room. "But not to worry, I'll make you a fresh pot! And I'll put so much love into it that you'll be able to taste it! Come, come have a seat out here at the kitchen table!"

Seeing as he probably didn't have a choice, the young man stepped onto the cool tile floor and followed after her. Already in the kitchen, the super-powered woman was indeed making the coffee with "love". Taking handfuls of fresh roasted coffee beans, she pulverized them in her grip and then allowed the resulting dust to pile into a filter in the basket for the drip machine. Satisfied, she popped the basket back into the machine and stood back to let it brew.

"Miss Jan, where did you want me to store Object 280B?" ANA asked suddenly.

"Object 280B? That sounds like it's from the catalogue of inventions that we confiscated from Professor Vengeance," Passion Princess replied as she twirled some of her long, blonde hair with her finger. "Refresh my memory. What was this specific object again?"

"It was that blade made from an unknown metal that seems to be able to pierce your skin," the AI computer replied. "As this is the only known weapon that can harm you, Miss Jan, shall I have it destroyed?"

"Wow, something that can actually kill me? Tempting," the superhero remarked. "But it could be useful just to research it. Move it to storage locker #3."

"Yes ma'am," ANA replied.

Taking a seat at the table, Asher was intrigued by the conversion that he'd just heard. Passion Princess was often regarded as invincible with no known weaknesses, but a weapon that was able to harm her? He wondered that maybe if he could get ahold of it, then he could force the heroine to let him go or at least force her to let him speak the authorities so that they would know where he was. He didn't want to kill her either, but if it was the only way to escape his confinement, then he wouldn't hesitate. 

"Did you want your normal creams and sugars, or did you want to tell me how many you'd like?" the stalwart woman asked as she poured him a fresh mug of piping hot java.

"I'll drink it black today," Asher replied with a nod, smiling weakly as the coffee was set in front of him. "Thank you."

"My pleasure, Baby," Passion Princess cooed, before sitting down across from him, where she simply put her arm on the table and rested her head on her hand, staring at the young man longingly as he took a sip.

"Mmm, this is really good," Asher remarked as he slowly sipped at the hot drink. 

"Only the best for you," the heroine replied, blinking at him bashfully.

As she watched him intently, the captive began to formulate a rough plan in his head. If he could somehow get ahold of the blade that ANA had mentioned, then maybe he'd have some leverage that he could use to escape. The AI seemed to bend to the heroine's whim, but being that it was a computer, Asher wondered if he could manipulate it into telling him where the weapon was being stashed. "Storage locker 3" was where Passion Princess had ordered it kept, leading Asher to think that all he had to do was find out where in the underground base that was.

After he'd finished the coffee, Asher decided to go to the living room and try out the TV. While watching the local news, he was barely surprised when Passion Princess floated over and sat her large, ample booty on his lap, before gently kissing at his chest and neck as he leaned back in the couch.

"A-are you comfortable?" he asked, shivering as the heroine's plump lips sucked at his neck. "I mean it's a big couch, there's plenty of room over—

"I'm fine right where I am," she replied quickly as she opened up her house coat, exposing her large, firm breasts. "Come. Suck."



It took several hours, but after offering to give the overpowered woman a foot massage, Asher was able to convince Passion Princess to take a nap as he got her relaxed. Lying down on the couch with her large yet dainty feet on his lap, Asher made sure that the tall blonde remained snoozing comfortably as he gently lifted her legs and slid out from under her.

"Psst, ANA?" he whispered towards one of the wall-mounted intercom speakers. "Could you please tell me where the storage lockers are?"

"For what purpose do you require that information, Master Avril?" the computer replied.

"I uh—I wanted to check them out? Passion Prin—I mean, Jan, never showed them to me," Asher replied.

"Very well. The storage sector is through this electronic door," ANA answered as a low hiss could be heard from around the corner.

Tip-toeing out of the living room, Asher was able to witness one of the walls down the main hall open up to reveal a hidden corridor. Scampering over to it, he went through and entered a wide hallway that was lined with a vast array of numbered compartments of varying sizes.

"What's in here?" he asked aloud as he traced his hand over a square-shaped door the size of a small cabinet, a large yellow '1' emblazoned on it. 

"This is where Miss Jan stores the wide variety of objects that she's confiscated from villains and other criminals," ANA explained. "Many of them are thought to be too dangerous to store in a regular police evidence longer. For instance, Storage locker 1 in front of you contains a scroll that when read, opens a gateway to hell. It was obtained from Miss Jan's latest battle with Succubus."

"Oh cool, that hot lady demon," Asher remarked as he lifted his hand away from the locker. "Wow, and how do you even move things in here? Do you have a body too, ANA?"

"In a way, yes," the AI replied as about a dozen robotic arms suddenly descended from the ceiling. "I have many such appendages all throughout the base."

"I see," Asher said, moderately creeped-out as he continued down the hall, until he spotted a small, shoebox-sized locker with a '3' on it. "Say, I don't suppose you could open this for me, could you?"

"Sure. Under what directive?" ANA asked.

"I'm just curious," he replied innocently. "I want to look in several of these if I can."

"Very well," the computer answered and with a hiss, the locker began to slide open.

Peering inside it, Asher stuck his hand in and withdrew what looked like a greenish blue dagger. Glinting in the dim light of the hallway, he swung it a few times, finding it oddly light, but smiling as he began to creep out of the room while holding the weapon behind his back. For the first time since waking up down in the lair earlier that day, Asher was feeling hopeful about his situation. It was hard to believe, but if that small blade really could harm Passion Princess, then he finally had all the leverage that he needed to make an escape.

"What do you have there, babe?"

Asher froze as he was met with his heroine captor the moment he turned the corner.