What You Are

"Everyone, get out!" Kenzo said with a cold look covering his face. He had some thoughts about it, and if he could somehow use Kaneki to his advantage, he would do so without thinking twice.

In the silent room, Kenzo looked at Kaneki's appearance and said, "The world has been a mysterious place even for humans. Since ancient times, unfathomable knowledge has been discovered for known and unknown life. Many have traveled, achieved, and acquired goals in life beyond their limitations."

Kaneki looked at Kenzo and asked, "You're the one who was in the café..."

"That's right, I'm Kenzo, and like you, most of us here are Ghouls..." Kenzo walked towards the bed where Kaneki was lying and sat on a chair beside it. Then he said, "It is truly a tragedy what happened to you, and I apologize as it is my fault."

"How can it be your fault? That's the nature of Ghouls, something no one can control..." Kaneki remembered little of the incident and had many questions to ask Kenzo, but for now, he couldn't be too hasty.

"No, this is my fault..." Kenzo took a cigarette and lit it without caring where he was. He looked at Kaneki and said, "You must have a lot of knowledge about Ghouls and how they act, but my people are not as they appear in the news. Although I am currently working to expand my domain and prevent innocent people from dying, it still happens occasionally. So every Ghoul incident in this district is my fault because I couldn't keep my territory protected."

Kaneki was surprised by Kenzo's sincerity. If it weren't for his words, he would never have thought he was a Ghoul. It seemed at all times like he was talking to an ordinary human. He always felt a subtlety in Kenzo's tone that made him feel close.

What was that feeling?

Kaneki couldn't say for sure.

After a short pause, Kenzo thought, "A mentally weak boy, if trained properly, could be a very important ally to fulfill my plans. It's wise to have him on my side, like me and different in every aspect..."

"Where am I, and how did you find me?" Kaneki asked as he looked around.

"This is my hospital, Luna Negra. My people found out that you were alive after letting the ambulance take you... In the hospital where you were initially admitted, they resorted to illegal experiments, and Ghoul organs entered your body, completely changing the DNA that makes up the human form. You are the first hybrid changed between human and Ghoul. Although that is a bit different from my case, we are a bit similar in that aspect," Kenzo said, looking at Kaneki, trying to decipher what he was thinking.

"Now am I a Ghoul? I thought all that was a dream..." Kaneki said with a bitter smile and a calm attitude.

"You have time to think. Well, you also have time to choose... Live or die, that's the only path you can take in your situation. When I was a child, I was always human. I ate with my adoptive grandfather, and on one occasion, after turning ten, my eyes changed to those of a Ghoul. My world initially shattered into a thousand pieces. I was someone very special. I liked society, but I saw it as very polluted."

Kenzo smiled and said, "Ghouls are dangerous, but if you let me teach you everything we do here, you will understand what we, in particular, seek for the future. Television media has always marked us as the enemy. They seek our extermination without knowing they are being led by the very enemy they want to eliminate."

"What do you mean?" Kaneki understood what Kenzo was referring to, but he didn't know in what aspect.

"It's not necessary for you to know now..." Kenzo looked at Kaneki and advised him, "From now on, you'll face the question of which path to take. Being human or Ghoul can be controversial for someone who hasn't thought much about their future. Fear may invade you, but you must learn to control it."

"I always had something very clear when I became a Ghoul. I lived as a human for ten years and saw many of the great mistakes they committed... Impunity for criminals, crimes that make the blood boil, and the desire to kill with an ecstatic feeling of excitement. I made the decision to fight for Ghouls who are afraid. You might believe that we are demons, and to be honest, we are. But if you want to live, you must understand us, comprehend our origins, and attend self-awareness meetings to address many of the doubts that torment you now."

Kenzo stood up and smiled, "You are just like me, Kaneki. If you wish to fight for both humans and innocent Ghouls like all of us, then you will be of great help to my plan. If you reject it, then this will be our last conversation. I hope you choose what is best for you. But before that, I would like you to see a bit of my purpose in this world."

Kaneki was left stunned upon hearing these words. He didn't know how to respond because he was so impacted by these words that were difficult to grasp.

As Kenzo turned around, Kaneki asked, "What is your goal?"

"Freedom for all Ghouls, the future of an order that unifies all Ghouls in the country and establishes laws to prevent them from being hunted without cause," Kenzo said as he waved his hand and added, "It's already begun. Check the internet, and soon you'll know what I mean."


Number One bowed and said, "We have important news, Crow Master..."

Kenzo nodded and muttered, "Tell me the highlights."

"We have control over districts 19, 14, and 15, which were completely taken over by many elite members sent as reinforcements. Tonight, it is estimated that we will take absolute control of those districts and their surroundings."

"What else?" Kenzo asked, knowing there was new information.

"According to reports, districts 17 and 16 were handed over by the Aogiri organization. We now have five districts under control that will undergo reforms, and the companies we manage will expand into that area in the coming days." Number One frowned and said, "But I'm afraid we must accelerate the plans we have."

"Will a distraction be needed? Yes, we are making a lot of noise..." Kenzo agreed to this suggestion and believed it was time to move.

"Then we will announce the Ghoul Avenger..."


District 21

Tsukiyama Family Residence

"The crows have devoured five districts in a few nights. Their strength is terrifying, demonstrating the extensive plans they have managed to execute to dominate those districts with such ease... Now we are on their radar, so we must make a decision, yield, or show resistance."

"We are major trade allies; we will surrender all our territory as long as our family is not affected." Mirumu Stukiyama made a decision; no one could oppose the crows.