03: Playing Around

Rimuru POV:

that was kinda unexpected,I thought while looking at the dragon who has now been paralysed like a statue.Yeah looks like my cuteness made his brain malfunction.I mean look he is literary standing no I mean floating in the void like a statue.I wonder how did he became the elder everyone worships.

[master i think this your fault ]

'what do you mean ciel'

[master you may not know this your cuteness can even make the most cold blooded mindless creature hesitate to make a move on you not that I will let them do it]

yeah that kinda makes sense because after evolving into deity my beauty stat went high up the roof.well anyways since I am still in my outfit that is probably too not suited to so I changed my aura to make a outfit to a blue & white one piece dress .what you think I didn't notice that my gender was set to female ,well you see I kinda accepted the fact I'm a girl and It's because there is a whole religion that was created to worship me as a god and as the protector of the world,and there was also the time Shion,shuna and luminous come to abduct me to be their dress up doll.Yeah so that's that.oh looks like elder brother came back to his senses when i changed my clothes .

Veldanava POV:

that was terrifying I almost die how cute she is.damn this girl is too cute.wait didn't said big brother so I'm basically a elder .ok Veldanava keep it together you have to be the adult here,wait did she just change a aura and made clothes ahhh so smart that's my little sister.*cough**cough*ok Veldanava let's calm down and start a conversation with her

"hello little one,what is your name"

"hello big brother my name is Rimuru Tempest"ohh what polite little sister maybe she is more intelligent than she looks .well anyways

 "What is your element Rimuru? From my observation it appears you are very compatible with to be with void" if that my guess is correct she is my polar opposite. 

 "yes big brother I am the void dragon the Rimuru Tempest ,what is your name big brother"

Oh shit I totally forgot to introduce myself ,well there goes my cool introduction anyways let's answer her can't keep my little sister waiting can I "my name is star king dragon Veldanava ,anyways Rimuru can you tell me why you are in a human form "

yeah this is really not normal thou I am not sure myself but my gut feeling tells me this isn't as I was in my internal monologue my sister said "hmm , it's not that I don't have my dragon form it's just that I don't see a use of having a big body" 

yeah I kinda get what she's saying I mean you can't even scratch your back in your dragon form "well anyways since you are just born why don't we play around with our powers "

 when I said that I swear that I saw her eyes turn red for a moment and turn golden again ..hmm must be my imagination.ok now let's see what my little sis can show me.

Rimuru POV:

wow that was close,Ciel almost took control over my body just because of excitement why you ask well she apparently wants to make a combat style for me,yeah guess what this combat style is actually for my dragon form, crazy right ,anyways since we are playing around might as well stretch a bit ,as I was thinking this big brother said

 "Oh right , you should turn into your dragon form and play,though you may not notice it your mind may be attached to a human form which makes fighting in dragon form a lot harder " he said in a sage-like tone.

Wow, for a moment there I was really In Front of a wise scholar or something,but then again you can't be a creator without wisdom . as I nodded my head black smoke began to cover me .

No one's POV:

just as rimuru's body began to cover from smoke the void began to tremble as it is a excited puppy,as the smoke vanished there stood a giant jet black dragon whose scales have a tinge of dark blue mix to it it was the same height and appearance as Veldanava although a bit smaller but the aura it emitting is almost comparable to him the dragon finally opened her golden eyes that eyes that can see through the soul itself and spread his four jet black wings which represents the void itself.

Veldanava POV:

I watch in awe as my sister opened her eyes and let out a mighty roar that makes the void tremble even more,I swear I almost caught a glimpse of her power which is nothing like the aura that she's emitting her power suppress me in a very large Majin well I am happy for her because she can even beat me if she so desires,what don't take it the wrong way what I mean is she is a challenge that is to be beaten and I can finally do something interesting ,man here I suggest it just so I. can see my little sister's dragon form ." ok Rimuru let's play shall we .The rules are simple we both fight each other until we get bored or you get the hang of your powers " she nodded and I started attacking her with my tall covered in my stardust energy.

No one's POV:

the dragon then started fight each other by blasting energy blasts,striking with their claws,tails or sometimes their skills this fight shakes the void to a whole new level ,it always looks like the void is about to break, but many would sound it unbelievable they are not even serious just as everyone expect they're playing .





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