69: The shocking news

"So, what did you want to ask me about this book?" Rimuru asked, breaking Veldanava from his depressing thoughts.

He straightened up his back and asked, "Rimuru, why do you want me to practice soul arts?"

Hearing this, Rimuru sighed sadly. "Brother, you are getting weaker. Your powers are slowly sealing themselves. You could feel it too, right? You are now facing the trial after breaking that stupid rule."

Veldanava grew tense as he heard her words. He instinctively looked at Lucia, only to be met with her worry-filled eyes. Seeing them, his expression softened as he said, "Even if I am losing my powers, I don't regret my decision, Rimuru. Marrying Lucia is one of the best things I did in my life. So, even if it means losing my powers, I would gladly do it again."

Lucia, hearing his words, teared up. Although she didn't know the full story, she could make some guesses.

Rimuru, seeing this, smiled helplessly as she said, "I know you don't, brother. That's why I am giving you this book. With this, even if you lose all of your powers, you wouldn't be powerless."

"I…" Veldanava was at a loss for words. He could only give a hug while repeatedly saying thank you for this gift.

After a heartwarming discussion, both Veldanava and Lucia left the restaurant. Rimuru, seeing them off, looked a little melancholic.

Ciel materialized herself near Rimuru, wearing a dissatisfied expression. She huffed as she said, "If Veldanava and Lucia were to live with master, master wouldn't have to worry about their well-being."

Rimuru chuckled at her words as she remarked, "Haha, you know, Ciel, that is something impossible, right? How could two true dragons live in one place? Even though Veldanava doesn't show it often, he is quite prideful, just like Velzard and Velgrynd. He would never agree to me meddling in his life.

A dragon's pride is sacred. Even Veldora, despite being all goofy and cheerful, wouldn't hesitate to strike when his pride is trampled."

"Hmph, this is why Master is way better than those useless dragons," Ciel said with a huff.

'Well, that's because I have my memories as a Human,' Rimuru thought as shook her head. If she didn't have those memories she may actually be as prideful as them too. It's in their blood after all.

Days passed by in their usual rhythm after Veldanava and Lucia's visit. The restaurant and bar resumed their lively activities after Ivaraj and Veldora returned from their short vacation. Customers flocked in, bringing with them laughter and happiness that filled the air each day.

The new battle arena proved to be a hit among customers, especially martial artists seeking worthy opponents to test their skills and improve themselves. A queue formed for fights in the arena, but Rimuru welcomed it as it provided additional entertainment for the patrons.

Meanwhile, in the cardinal world, the political landscape remained turbulent. Human nations vied for power, with high humans striving to assert dominance over other races. Elves focused on advancing their kingdom's technology, seeking to maintain their edge in the changing world.

Under Rudra's leadership, the Eastern Empire expanded its influence, gradually absorbing nearby small kingdoms into its fold. These kingdoms willingly became vassal nations, impressed by the advancements and stability Rudra brought to his realm.

In the demon world, little changed. Demons were frequently summoned to the cardinal world for various purposes, whether for their expertise in magic or for the chance to seek revenge. Despite the summons and the occasional upheaval, life in the demon world carried on much as it always had.

While everything was going peacefully, rather shocking news was heard in the restaurant. Lucia, the wife of Veldanava, is pregnant.

This news made many people question their lives. For long-lived races, getting pregnant may take more than a decade if they tried very hard. This was more difficult for spiritual beings who don't have the need to breed.

But against all common sense, Lucia was pregnant after a year from their marriage. If this isn't a miracle then what is.

While most people were shocked at this news, they were also very happy about it. Veldanava is their creator, friend, and boss after all.

And out of everyone, the happiest of all was Rimuru. She was so happy that she decided to throw a grand celebration in the restaurant. And for a whole day, the party was held much to the enjoyment of everyone present.

The next day, Rimuru decisively called a family meeting. She ordered all her siblings to come there with the exception of Veldanava, who was told to be with Lucia.

In the ancient house that is called the Chaos House in the cardinal world, a rather divinely beautiful lady was preparing the meeting place.

She placed some snacks, tea cups, saucers, and a kettle on the table. While she was doing this, she was humming a beautiful tune that would captivate any being. Her golden eyes were shining as she was waiting for her family members to arrive soon.

The first to arrive was Veldora, since he practically lives here. He greeted his eldest sister and took a seat. While he was waiting for his other sisters, he decided to help himself by eating the delicious snacks that are placed on the table.

Rimuru, seeing his actions, sighed as she said, "Don't finish everything, okay Veldora, leave some for the others to enjoy as well."

Veldora nodded as he said with his signature laugh, " kuhahaha don't worry elder sister I know how to restrain myself. "

Rimuru rolled her eyes at his words. The words self restraint and veldora don't match up at all. In fact if it wasn't for Ivaraj keeping an eye out on him he might have become more arrogant than he was before.

"Speaking of, how is your relationship with Ivaraj going? Did you finally propose to her?" Rimuru asked, making Veldora suddenly choke on his food.

"*Cough* *cough* Ahem, well, we are just friends, big sister," Veldora said, trying to hide his embarrassment.

Rimuru, amused by this, said playfully, "Is that so? Then I wonder why you are so flustered when she is by your side. Could it be that you are more than just friends?"

Hearing her words, Veldora became even more embarrassed. And just as he was about to faint from embarrassment, his other sisters arrived. Their arrival prompted Rimuru to stop her teasing, much to Veldora's relief. For the first time in his life, he felt immense gratitude towards his other sisters.







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