80 : RUN

Just as Lucia conjured the barrier, the outer barrier that Veldanava made broke under the combined attacks of the enemy soldiers. Under the threat of Emperor Rudra's arrival , their coordination improved significantly.

Just as they were about to cheer in joy they all suddenly felt a familiar pressure. But this time it was stronger. It was Veldanava using his Conqueror's Pressure. But unlike the last time where he was in a great condition, this time he was very weakened so theoretically his pressure should be less intense. But that would not be a problem if Veldanava took advantage of a single detail. His soul.

Since his soul as a true dragon is more robust and stronger than any being his soul pressure if put to the maximum output is the strongest. So last Veldanva was holding back due to his weak body. But this time he let his pressure fully out of his body. Although this is doing continuous damage to him he didn't care. If he could hold it for a few minutes he wouldn't mind dying.

Ravan who is also affected by Veldanava's pressure lost his composure. Like his men he was also forced to kneel on the ground. Since this pressure is directly harming his soul his unique skill couldn't help him at all.

But despite this his mind tried to come up with different solutions. From his observation he could see cracks forming on Veldanava's body like it was a broken vase. So he could conclude that this skill is not something permanent. And since they had some experience with this skill earlier he knew they just needed to make Veldanava move or stop his concentration.

But that is easier said than done. Ravan looked at his remaining men and saw that they were on the verge of losing their minds.

Clicking his tongue he tried to use his skill to bring them under his influence. Fortunately his plan was a success as they had no way of resisting. But despite that it also brought him a big disadvantage. He could feel the pressure he was feeling increase as he took control over his men.

This was to be expected as Ravan's unique skill is essentially using his astral body which in turn made his defence even more thinner.

Gritting his teeth he tried to ignore the pain but to avail. Soul damages are not something that could be healed without the necessary skills. And in the cardinal world few people even have the knowledge to utilise those skills. And sadly Ravan isn't one of them.

And just as he was about to try something else he suddenly had a sudden chill running down his spine. He didn't know why but his instincts as a master strategist and his basic instinct as a human is screaming for him to flee this place immediately.

And from the look of it he isn't the only one feeling it as some of his men who were previously on the verge of falling unconscious suddenly regained their senses and are doing their best to go away from this place.

But too bad for them they are too late. The sky which was clear suddenly began to be covered by dark clouds. The sunny weather suddenly took a 180 turn as it began to rain heavily. Lightning began to crackle as if the heavens were screaming in terror on what's to come next.

While all these ominous omens happening all around him Veldanava didn't panic. In fact he had a relieved smile on his face. " Finally you sure took your sweet time little sis " he said as he looked at the sky.

And from the direction he was looking a huge dragon with dark blue and purple scales began to appear from the dark clouds. It scanned the whole area with its golden eyes. When its gaze locked onto Veldanava and his family the gaze softened a bit.

The dragon glowed and black smoke began to cover its whole body. The smoke travelled near where Veldanava was kneeling and transformed into a silvery blue haired woman. Rimuru looked at his elder's brother's condition and realised that his life is not in danger for now.

She then looked behind her and found Lucia and Milim inside a small barrier. Although Milim seemed to be unharmed Lucia is covered in her blood. And from the looks of it she is barely hanging to her conscience.

" Ciel heal both Lucia and big brother. Make sure their lives are not in danger. And also look for any injuries on Milim. " Rimuru instructed as she needed to make sure both Lucia and Veldanava were not in danger.

Then she turned her attention to the enemy soldiers who are frozen in fear. With her hair covering her eyes she issued another request "Oh and lastly can you make a small illusion around us to block the view I'm going to let loose for once. "

Ciel came out of Rimuru's body and nodded her head. She then erected a small illusion barrier surrounding Veldanava and his family so they would not witness what would happen next. Especially Milim, she is too young to witness what it means to face the wrath of the Queen of the underworld.

After the barrier was made , Ciel went and began her duties. She knew that her master would only calm down after both Lucia and Veldanava are out of harm's way. So the quicker she stabilises these two the less likely her master would go on a rampage.

Seeing her group's vision being disrupted Rimuru began to walk towards the soldiers. Although her steps are slow and calm to Ravan and his men it is like death is coming near them. With every step she took her pressure began to increase. The barrier that was restricting the usage of magicules was broken as soon as she stepped on the ground. A new one was erected by Ciel to insure the whole cardinal world wouldn't be destroyed by her master's overwhelming aura. But even that is barely holding out as there are numerous cracks appearing everywhere.

" You know I'm normally a calm person, even if you point your blade at me I wouldn't kill you just because of that. But…." Rimuru said while taking the sword that Veldanava used into her hands from the ground.

With a casual swing that made the space tremble she muttered, " When you go after my loved ones , that's when you cross the line. " . Her sword began to be covered in a dark energy. And unlike the stellar mana this energy is the opposite. It destroys and devours everything in its path. Known as the most destructive energy of the cardinal world , Turn Null energy.

" So It's time for you to pay for the consequences, " Rimuru said in a cold emotionless tone.

" Ruuuuun " It isn't sure who said that but every soldier including Ravan obeyed that order as if their lives depended on it. Oh wait their lives did depend on it.

Whenever one of them fell by stumbling or had to push another to advance further, no one bothered to say anything about it. In fact, no one even registered such situations happening. They had only one thought in their minds: RUN.







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