91: Star Breathing

Milim's training continued for the next two months. During these months her control over Stellar Mana improved significantly. Seeing her improvement even Velgaia who didn't have much interest in training began to join her.

As the last creation of Veldanava it too had the ability to handle Stellar mana to a certain degree. But unlike Milim who had significant progress, its progress was quite slow. Well this was expected as it didn't have an infinite amount of energy like Milim to practise all day.

But just when Velgaia was losing hope Veldora came to the rescue. Yes, Veldora, despite being an idiot, is a great teacher. He trained Zegion into a fine warrior by teaching him his own created martial arts.

His mystery over battle aura is second to none. And this time Veldora had millions of years to hone his abilities even more. So when he volunteered to train Velgaia nor Rimuru or Ciel disagreed.

A dragon is the best training partner for another dragon.

And under Veldora's tutelage Velgaia began to get stronger at a visible speed. Despite being unable to transform into a humanoid form Velgaia managed to master Battle Aura.

With the added buff from Steller Mana it began to display some fearsome talent in fighting close quarters.

Today like the usual Milim and Velgaia were doing their respective training Rimuru suddenly announced, " Ok Milim, your control over your Stellar Mana is decent enough for now. Today I will teach you something else. "

Hearing her words Milim's eyes began to shine with intense curiosity and excitement. Frankly she was getting pretty bored after doing the same training for two months.

"Oh tell me tell me " she said excitedly as jumped around like a kid.

Rimuru looked at her with a smile and said, "well now now don't get too excited. What I am going to teach you is swordsmanship. Specifically speaking this is the sword style your father created. "

" My father, " Milim mumbled. To her , her parents are a mystery. Whenever she asked about them everyone would look away or try to change the subject. Hell she wouldn't even know about having any parents if Rimuru didn't mention it on her 10th birthday.

Although she didn't say much she did reveal some basic information about her parents. Her father's name is Veldanava and he is the elder brother of Aunt Rimuru. While her mother's name is Lucia and her elder brother is uncle Rudra which makes her a princess.

And apart from some rare times Aunt Rimuru never mentions them again. So imagine her surprise when Aunt Rimuru gave her this golden opportunity to find more about her parents.

"Aunt Rimuru was my father, a skilled swordsman, " Milim asked with a bit of expectation. Her first guess was that he might be a knight. In all the stories she read only a knight had the chance to marry a princess.

Rimuru chuckled as she said with a bit of nostalgia, "yes he was a very skilled swordsman. In fact he was the one who taught your uncle Rudra how to wield a blade. He was the only person who managed to contest with me with just pure swordsmanship.

The swordsman style he invented is called the Star breathing. "

Hearing the name Milim instantly wanted ask a very important question but before she could do so Rimuru said, "yes the name was something he copied after reading the demon slayer manga. "

"That's so cool "Milim said with excitement. She was about to learn a real breathing technique. Maybe she could become a Hashira after she masters this technique.

Although Rimuru couldn't read minds ( AN : That's BS and you know it) she had been with Milim for a long time to know how her mind works.

With a resigned sigh she thought, ' well I just hope she doesn't go around finding demons to slay when she finally manages to go to the cardinal world. '

Months went by in a blink of an eye. Milim under the guidance of Rimuru slowly began to master Star breathing.

Even though this sword style was tailored made for Milim she had some difficulty mastering it. Because to truly manifest the deadliness of Star release you would need to combine both Stellar mana and Battle Aura in a ratio that will change each move.

For example if you are using a move that is used for defence you must increase the ratio of the Battle Aura amount.

And when you are on the defense it is the Stellar Mana amount that should be increased as with it's destructive properties could be very deadly.

To do all this one must need some good instincts or have the ability to do the necessary calculations each time.

Unfortunately Milim belongs to the former and unlike Veldanava who had millions of years of experience she had to start from the very basics.

So it is safe to say that there were numerous explosions every few minutes. Had it not for Rimuru enhancing the protections Milim had she might have had some serious injuries that even her tough defense and regeneration couldn't fix.

It was only after two years did she manage to barely use the Star breathing without blowing herself.

And it was then did Rimuru began to teach her how to properly use a sword. Previously Milim only did some basic stances. But don't misunderstand the hardest part of Stellar breathing is switching from offence to defence in a swift moment. The other moves are just some you would have to do to protect yourself. And even that is different depending on the situation.

For example the moves you need to block a strike that is coming from below and the moves you use when blocking a strike from the chest are completely different. But these two moves still carry the essence of defence.

So no matter what cool moves you know if you couldn't bring the suitable essence in your stance you might as well fail as a Stellar breathing swordsman.

As they say the basics are what matters most. If one couldn't master the basics correctly then they have no opportunity to advance further.







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