Awaken Mode Activated

The air grew tense as one of the armored humans, misjudging the threat before him, fired his weapon at Zorvax, expecting the zombie to fall like any other. But Zorvax was no ordinary foe. With agility that belied his undead nature, he leaped aside, evading the bullet with ease.

"This one's quick, but he's still within the limits of a level 2," the shooter said, a note of surprise in his voice. He hadn't anticipated such speed from what he saw as a mere zombie.

His partner, unfazed by the miss, gave a curt nod. "Time for Awaken mode, then. Let's not take chances."

With a flick of a switch on their armor, it shimmered with a sudden, brief luminescence before returning to normal. Zorvax watched, wary and uncertain. "What trickery is this?" he questioned inwardly, his grip on his sword tightening.