Zorvax's Bionic Suit

Zorvax sat motionless for a moment, feeling the effects of the Bionic Suit's serum coursing through his veins. It was a strange sensation, akin to the rush of adrenaline, but without the urgency of battle. He could feel something shifting, changing, a sensation distinctly different from the flow of blood.

His body responded to the injection almost instantly. He felt a heaviness settle into his limbs, not cumbersome, but grounding as if he was more a part of the world around him than ever before.

He lifted an arm, observing it, the movement slow but deliberate. His skin, already tough from his undead nature, seemed to take on an even harder quality, reminiscent of the armour the humans had worn.

Bringing a hand to his temple, Zorvax also noticed the mental fog that often clouded his undead mind had lifted. His thoughts were crisp, sharp as a freshly honed blade. "It's like waking up," he mused inwardly, surprised at the clarity with which he could think.