Zovania Citadel

Drakina stood at a distance, her gaze fixed on Zorvax and Ophelia. Although she remained silent and expressionless, her posture, upright and regal, conveyed a sense of inherent dragon pride. Her eyes, sharp and observant, followed their every move, trying to understand the world she had been thrust into.

She remembered little before her transformation – only that she had appeared in this world and then lost consciousness. Now, having regained her senses after Zorvax's summoning, she was trying to piece together her new reality. The system had provided her with basic information about this world, but much was still a mystery to her.

Drakina's attention was particularly focused on Zorvax. She watched him as he spoke and moved, trying to gauge the kind of being he was. His confident stride and the way he held himself spoke of authority and power. Yet, there was a calmness to him, a controlled demeanor that intrigued her.