The Four Sergeants' Evolution

In the opulent hall of Zovania Citadel, a charged atmosphere of anticipation hung heavy. Zorvax, the commanding leader of the undead, sat majestically on his throne shrouded in darkness. His sharp gaze swept across the room, where shadows played a ghostly dance, illuminated by the sporadic flicker of torches.

Before him, Drakina and Ophelia were kneeling, their demeanors contrasting starkly. Drakina, embodying respect and discipline, kept her posture rigid, her dragon-like traits standing out in the dim light. In contrast, Ophelia exuded her characteristic playful air, her mischievous eyes glinting even in the solemnity of the citadel.

"We have laid waste to Pyrohaven and Glacierfell," Drakina reported, her voice a calm, emotionless stream.