
  Renji was badly hurt in his legs, after the attack on his legs, he couldn't stand straight. He just fell as he wasn't able to stand. The Jackal started growling as soon as Renji fell to the ground seeing the perfect opportunity the Jackal leaped towards Renji. 

'Wh….What should I do? What should I do? Why is it after me?' Renji asked himself many questions, trying to remember anything he had done that might have triggered the jackals to attack him in the first place. Even after a lot of thinking, no reason came to his mind, he had no idea about why the monsters were hunting him down.

The Jackal leaped towards Renji one last time, the jackal was trying to aim directly at Renji's chest. He was trying to get his body up before the jackal's attack landed, even though he was fast he wasn't fast enough to avoid the Jackal's attack in such a vulnerable condition. He didn't have much energy in his body after losing so much blood, so rather than trying to move out of the attack's way, Renji thought of another idea.

"AOOOWWWW....." the jackal made a howling sound before it swung the final blow to Renji's body. 

Just at the instant that Jackal attacked Renji, rather than trying to avoid the attack, Renji tried to block the attack by using the parcel as a shield. With just a single swing the Jackal had managed to throw the package out of Renji's hand. The package landed a few feet away from Renji. 

At this moment when he didn't have any other option to save himself, Renji thrusted his sphere from below the jackal. He was hoping that the jackal wouldn't notice as his hand came from behind the jackal. 

'Fuck…..' Renji had missed only one chance; the jackal had managed to dodge the attack somehow. The jackal had leaped out of Renji's reach right at the moment when the sphere was about to pierce its body.

'What the hell is it doing.' The Jackal didn't attack for a few seconds and Renji had managed to stand up on his feet in the meantime. Just as he stood up, he saw something that confused him. He took a defensive stance while looking towards the Jackal, he didn't want to die without putting up a fight. When he finally noticed that the jackal's attention was not towards him at all. 

It seemed like the jackal was trying to eat something, from the angle Renji stood he didn't have a clear view. As Renji moved from the place he stood, he could finally see that the Jackal was trying to bite and scratch the parcel. From what he could see the jackal had managed to tear half of the package off, and Renji could see some kind of device inside of the same package.

The device was somehow emitting purple smoke, the jackal seemed like it was trying to eat that smoke with its mouth, or whatever was left of its mouth. It didn't seem like the Jackal was still crazy, but not for Renji, now it seemed like the Jackal was still going crazy over the smoke or the device itself. Renji was bewildered by such a thing, he had never heard of such a thing, or he might have been never told of such thing.

'Should I leave? No, that would be a bad idea what if the jackal came after me after it was done with that package?' thought Renji contemplating what he should do next, if he didn't kill the jackal now it might just come after him again once it was done playing.

'I should kill it.' Thought Renji as he slowly started to move towards the jackal. He would rather kill it than take any chances, he didn't want the jackal to come after him as he didn't know how far he would be able to run this time.

Slowly as Renji made his way towards the jackal, he was cautious he decided to ambush it from the back. 

"WUUAAOO.." the Jackal screamed as it was staved through the chest, Renji thought that the Jackal would attack him after he landed the first hit, but surprisingly it survived. What was even more surprising was, rather than attacking Renji the Jackal still seemed uninterested in him, it was still trying to eat the smoke or the device for some reason. The only change after Renji stabbed the jackal was that the jackal was furiously trying to eat the smoke. 

Renji didn't think much of such a weird circumstance as he was lucky enough that he had survived such an ordeal. Without thinking much Renji landed a final blow on the jackal which finally killed the jackal. 

' hurts it fucking hurts…..Was it really because of this thing that the jackal went nuts? What am I doing? I don't have time for this, I should leave right now.' With a sigh of relief, the pain finally started to settle in on Renji's body. The pain was too great, he could almost feel his consciousness leaving his body slowly.

As he picked up the device that lay on the ground. The device was covered in blood as the jackal's blood had dripped all over it, but the device still worked fine, the smoke was still coming out. 

'What the fuck?' Just as Renji threw the device to the ground, he looked at the direction he came from. As his eyes went in that direction, multiple red eyes looked back at him. Shivers went down Renji's back, he almost wanted to just lay down his body for them to kill. Even after how exhausted Renji was, he still looked around him trying to find a way he could escape the situation. 

"AHHHHHHHHH FUCK THIS HURTS…..I JUST WANNA GO HOME….PLEASE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE." Screamed Renji as he made a run for the direction towards where he didn't see any eyes. 

'They aren't following me?' Renji saw that none of the jackals were following him as he ran but, that happiness didn't last for long as after a few seconds the jackals were right after him. It seemed like the jackals had broken the device, one of the jackals had half of the piece of that device in its mouth.

'Did the scent of the smoke stay on my body? Is that why they are following me now?' Renji questioned himself after seeing the jackals. 

'WHY ME, JUST WHY ME?' Renji asked himself as he was standing on the edge of a cliff looking at the water that was flowing below. Now behind him some monsters wanted to tear him limb from limb, and in front of him there was a raging river filled with huge rocks, Renji could just feel the force of water by the sound which the water was making while colliding with the rocks. 

"Oh how much I wished I had the power to just fuck you all up....alas this is the only option that you have given me. I will remember this you fuckers, if I somehow survive, I will make sure to skin you all alive." Renji cursed at the Jackals as if they could understand what he was saying, after he said what he wanted to he jumped off the cliff. But before jumping one of the jackals had landed a hit on Renji's back, he had some flesh missing from his back.