
 He had no other choice but to take that sword as his weapon in the end, all the other weapons scattered on the ground were of the same condition. Renji tried swinging the sword to see if he was comfortable with it, to his surprise the sword felt quite comfortable to hold and swing around. The weight of the sword was neither too light nor too heavy, along with the grip on the sword he felt quite comfortable using it.

"Now then let's check how much my body has changed in terms of strength and speed." Renji said to himself as he looked towards the hounds that were waiting for him patiently to come out of the zone. The hounds were looking at Renji as if he was their meal, he looked back at the hounds and smiled.


Without speaking any further Renji dashed towards the hounds, seeing that Renji was finally coming out of the area the hounds got ready. There was a total of 5 hounds in front of Renji Right now, they didn't dare run toward Renji rather they formed a formation. They were trying to block the path, hoping to stop Renji from escaping. 

'It seems like my speed was increased by half; it feels so light when I run.' Thought Renji as he ran towards the hounds.

[Of course, you feel light your strength and speed have increased drastically after all.] said Lisa as if it was a matter of fact. She seemed content after hearing, what she did helped Renji. 

The hounds were all ready to stop Renji on his track, but to their surprise, he ran straight towards them. In a matter of seconds, Renji reached the hounds, as soon as he was 8 meters away from the hounds, the hounds rained down a barrage of elemental attacks towards Renji.

Like swords made up of light, the elemental attacks came flying toward Renji, without giving it a second thought he jumped to his right trying to escape from the barrage of attacks. Fortunately, because of his speed, he had managed to avoid all of the attacks. After dodging the attacks, he turned his head towards the attack to see how much damage he had saved himself from.

Renji was left dumbfounded, suddenly he heard sounds of cracking, and one after the other several trees started to fall to the ground. If he had foolishly tried to defend that attack, he would have surely perished he thought. Without wasting any more time, he ran straight toward the hounds. 

This time the hound who was in the frontline of the pack came rushing towards Renji. Before they were about to collide the hound jumped up in the sky and swung its paw straight toward Renji's head. The hound was trying to crush his head with that strike, Renji didn't dodge this time, his head was just a few inches away from his head. That is when Renji swiftly ducked, the hound was confused at that moment, how could he have missed the attack that was what the hound must have thought. The hound tried to change the direction of its attack midair, his paw that was going sideways suddenly turned downwards. Once again Renji's head was in danger.

'Playtime is over' thought Renji as he moved his upper body slightly forward, with all of the strength he had in his body he pushed the ground with his bent legs. In a matter of a second, Renji flew in the air, and as for the hound, it missed its second attack and went head-first to the ground.

The hounds were surprised that Renji managed to even avoid the attack in close range, but what came next nothing could have prepared them for that. With a sound of thud, both Renji and the hound landed on the ground, while Renji stood completely fine you couldn't say the same for the hound. As the hound fell head-first to the ground, half of the hound's body bounced and fell to the ground as blood started to suddenly splatter all over the ground. 

All four of the remaining hounds took a few steps back, they seemed confused as to what they should do next. Only one of the 4 didn't hesitate, it looked at the rest of them and signaled something. It seemed like the hound had given them an order, three of the hounds ran straight toward Renji after the other hound ordered them. It felt like they had lost all their fear, it seemed like they were their leader. 


Cried the hound who stayed behind, as soon as it was done howling it ran straight towards Renji as well. Renji didn't know what the hound had done until now, but it all changed when he started hearing howls of other hounds one by one. Renji looked a little worried after seeing so many howls.

'They must have separated into groups to cover the area. I need to kill them in this instant.' Thought Renji as he kept hearing howls from far away, there was no way he was fighting all of them at once so he decided to take care of them in an instant.

'Let's see what the domain can do.' Thought Renji, as soon as the hounds were close to him he activated the ability. In an instant, Renji felt the mana inside his body release through his body and make a kind of force field around him. Even though nothing was visible he could still feel the boundary of the skill.

The first thing he did after opening the domain was to jump back to see if he the domain he just made traveled with him. He hoped he was the epicenter of the domain but to his surprise as soon as he came out of the force field he felt it disappear as if there was nothing there in the first place.

[What the hell are you doing?] asked Lisa in a panic, she didn't understand why Renji would just move out of the field just like that.

'Testing the skill' thought Renji, that was all he said as he dashed towards the hound.

[How can you do something so dangerous in the middle of a battle? If you had any questions about the skill, you should have just asked me, you can't even use that skill now you have low mana....] Lisa kept on rambling; she was spooked after seeing Renji do such a thing. Renji on the other hand didn't hear any of her rambling as he was too focused on the hounds.

In an instant Renji was right in front of the hounds, all three swung their paws towards him. While the last one launched an elemental attack. With a swift movement, Renji moved out of the way of all of the attack. Leaving the hounds very agitated. 

Even though they missed their first attack they still pounced at Renji hoping for a different outcome this time. This time rather than dodging Renji jumped and kicked one of the hounds right in its face, as soon as the kick landed on the hound it flew and hit the other 2 who fell flat on the ground.

Renji didn't hesitate for a second after he got the opportunity as he dashed towards them with his sword, with a single swing of the sword he decapitated all three of the hounds that were already lying on the ground.