Extra long

Just as I was about to make sense of the puzzle, a sudden jolt coursed through me. Before I could react, I found myself back at the entrance of the labyrinth. The familiar darkness greeted me once again, and the path I had painstakingly navigated had been erased. It was as if the labyrinth had reset itself, wiping away all traces of my progress. The realization was disheartening, but I knew I couldn't afford to lose hope. Taking a deep breath, I steeled myself for the journey ahead, ready to face the challenges of the "Labyrinth of Shadows" once more.

(Time is faster for the people inside the dome (field) and slower for the people outside)

"What now? It's been 2 hours and we are already restarting!" Xiāng's voice echoed through the labyrinth, her frustration palpable. But time was a luxury they couldn't afford. With a renewed sense of determination, she grabbed another torch. The flickering flame cast dancing shadows on her determined face as she plunged back into the ever-changing maze, ready to face its challenges anew.

Indeed, the level's unique mechanism of resetting after a certain number of enemies are defeated adds an extra layer of complexity. This means there's a limit to the number of entities that can be eliminated each time, making the level progressively more challenging. It emphasizes the need for additional skills beyond combat. Evasion and speed become just as crucial as fighting prowess. However, dodging and running consume precious time, creating a challenging dilemma for the players. It's a strategic deadlock, a test of not just strength, but also of wit and endurance. This intricate balance between fight and flight, time and strategy, truly sets "The Labyrinth of Shadows" apart as a formidable level. and this is why teamwork is important.

Without a moment's hesitation, I trailed behind the old man, keeping him within my sight. The labyrinth was eerily quiet, devoid of any immediate threats. My strategy was simple: stick to the old man. His ability to teleport was a valuable asset in this treacherous maze. If danger were to strike, I would call out to him, and he would whisk me away to safety. This tactic significantly reduced the likelihood of encountering and having to eliminate an entity, thus preventing the level from resetting prematurely. It was a delicate balance of caution and courage, a dance with danger in the heart of the labyrinth.

Meanwhile, Xiāng and Mingyu formed a formidable duo within the labyrinth. Xiāng, with her trusty rifle, served as the team's vigilant sentinel. Her role was to alert Mingyu of any impending danger, using her rifle as a beacon of warning. Mingyu, on the other hand, was the team's defender. His task was to neutralize any threats that dared to cross their path.

The labyrinth didn't impose a specific time limit on its levels. However, it harbored a unique rule that added an extra layer of competition among teams. If one team managed to secure the end item before the others, the losing teams would face a penalty. This could range from repeating the level to facing punishment in another dimension.

The consequences might seem arbitrary and nonsensical, but in this game, rules were rules. They added an element of unpredictability and urgency to the game, making each decision and action all the more critical. It was a test of not just strength and speed, but also strategy and teamwork.

Mingyu's voice echoed in the distance, a beacon in the enveloping darkness of the labyrinth. Guiding the old man, I decided to follow the sound. It was safer to stick together rather than splitting up in this unpredictable maze. Harnessing the energy pulsating in the air around me, I conjured a path leading towards Mingyu's voice. This path would serve as a signal for them, guiding them towards us.

The labyrinth was eerily quiet, devoid of the usual lurking threats. This absence of enemies made navigation somewhat easier, allowing us to move swiftly through the shifting corridors. Despite the uncertainty that lay ahead, we pressed on, guided by the hope of reuniting with our teammates and overcoming the challenges of this formidable level.

The power of the "Crystal of Illumination" pulsed through the labyrinth, its energy resonating with my senses. It felt distant, its location constantly shifting within the maze. All I had to do was attune myself to its energy, wait for the moment it settled. Once I sensed its stability, I would request the old man to use his teleportation ability. He would transport us closer to the crystal, bypassing the labyrinth's treacherous paths. This strategy was a gamble, but in this game of survival and wits, every risk could be a step towards victory.

Mingyu's warning pierced the silence, sending a jolt of adrenaline through me. "A Maze Minotaur," he had said. I knew what that meant - a hulking beast was on its way. There was no time to waste. I had to prepare for the impending confrontation, ready to face the creature in this deadly dance within the labyrinth.

The Maze Minotaur, despite its size, was slower than us. Seizing the opportunity, the old man quickly teleported me past it. However, to our surprise, the Minotaur seemed to notice the teleportation. In an unexpected turn of events, it mimicked the old man's technique and used it to pursue me.

Caught off guard, I had no choice but to draw my sword. But before I could engage, Xiāng intervened. With a swift shot from her rifle, she halted the Minotaur in its tracks and rushed towards me.

"Well ain't that smart," she chided, a hint of amusement in her voice. "I thought you would've known the Minotaur had a hidden technique." Her words left me lost in thought. This labyrinth was full of surprises, and it seemed we had much more to learn about our adversaries.

"There's no time to talk," Mingyu's voice cut through the tension, his words echoing with urgency. "The crystal is here, somewhere close by. Hey, old man, teleport us to the top left of the maze. The crystal has settled there. We only have 1 minute."

His words spurred us into action. Time was of the essence, and we had a crystal to find. With a nod of understanding, the old man prepared to use his teleportation ability, ready to transport us closer to our goal. The countdown had begun, and every second counted in this race against time. 

(As the fighters approach their target, a countdown timer is triggered. This adds an element of urgency to the game. The fighters must complete the level within the given time frame. Failure to do so could result in penalties or even instant failure of the level. This time constraint pushes the fighters to strategize quickly, make swift decisions, and act promptly, adding another layer of challenge to the game. It's a race against time in this labyrinth of shadows. Every second counts and every move could be the difference between victory and defeat.)

I could feel the Crystal even closer now like really close then as I ran more it felt far I quickly stopped making everyone stop with me "What now" Mingyu asked.

"The crystal is here, somewhere underground. I can feel its energy stronger here," I announced, placing my hand on the ground where the energy pulsed the strongest. Gathering every ounce of extra mana and energy within me, I focused it into a single point. The result was a massive explosion that forced the entity attached to the crystal to reveal itself.

In the split second that followed, Mingyu seized the opportunity. He hurled his torch at the entity, causing it to recoil and jump away from the crystal. This left the crystal exposed and vulnerable.

Without wasting a moment, I drew my sword and hurled it at the entity like a dart. The enemy vanished in an instant, leaving only us and the crystal behind. We quickly gathered around, placing our hands on the crystal. The end was in sight, but we knew better than to let our guard down in this unpredictable labyrinth.

"Level over" As the tannoy finished announcing we were teleported back to the field. 

"Level up" A screen popped up in front of me .

Shadow Conqueror: Awarded to players who successfully navigate through the labyrinth without getting caught by any Shadow Stalkers.

Minotaur Tamer: Given to those who manage to outmaneuver and bypass the Maze Minotaur without engaging in combat.

Phantom Solver: Bestowed upon players who solve all the puzzles guarded by the Puzzle Phantoms without falling for their illusions.

Crystal Illuminator: Granted to the player or team that successfully locates and secures the Crystal of Illumination.

Master Teleporter: Awarded to players who effectively use teleportation to navigate through the labyrinth.

Team Synergy: Given to the team that demonstrates exceptional teamwork and coordination in overcoming the challenges of the labyrinth.

Speed Runner: Bestowed upon players who complete the level in record time.

Each of these awards celebrates a unique aspect of gameplay, encouraging players to employ different strategies and skills in their quest to conquer the labyrinth. They serve as a testament to their bravery, wit, and teamwork at this challenging level.

A new screen materialized before my eyes, revealing a unique level-up reward:

"You have now unlocked the ability to perceive Energy Orbs. These orbs, floating ethereally around you, are reservoirs of raw energy. You can harness this energy, molding it into formidable weapons to aid you in your journey. However, use them wisely, for the energy within these weapons will deplete after 30 minutes of use."

Useful information:

Indeed, each fighter in the game possesses a unique set of abilities that can be enhanced as they level up. This progression system is tailored to the individual's skills, allowing them to develop and refine their abilities in a way that complements their fighting style. Here are a few examples:

Swift Striker: A fighter with high agility might gain increased movement speed or quicker attack animations upon leveling up.

Mighty Tank: A fighter with high endurance could see an increase in their health pool or damage resistance.

Arcane Adept: A magic user might unlock new spells or improve their mana regeneration rate.

Shadow Stalker: A stealth-oriented fighter could enhance their ability to move unseen or launch surprise attacks.

This personalized level-up system adds depth to the gameplay, encouraging players to strategize based on their character's strengths and growth potential. It's a dynamic way of ensuring that every fighter's journey is unique and engaging.