New rules

After a bit of exploration around the school, they were finally able to locate their dorm rooms.

They took a moment to rest, their eyes scanning the spacious dorm room. It was a nice space, larger than they had expected. However, they noticed that there were still remnants from the previous occupants. There were posters still on the walls, a few books left on the shelves, and some personal items scattered around. 

"I think they left their stuff here," Hae said, puzzled.

"You're mistaken dumbo, they didn't forget anything. On the last day, everyone was instructed to leave their belongings here for later collection. Just wait a bit, they'll announce when we can retrieve our stuff from our old dorms," Xiang replied, teasing Hae-Yun.

"Oh yeaaaah," He said trying not to act dumb, he slowly sat down near the wall he was leaning on. 'I'm the oldest here and the dumbest' he thought to himself.

"May students collect their stuff and put them in their rooms and return back to the hall."

"Why do we need to go back to the hall?" Yìchén asked, puzzled.

"They're going to select individuals for re-entry into the dome," Mingyu explained, opening the door. "The three of us don't have anything to collect since we only arrived this year. Hae, you can go and retrieve your belongings," Mingyu directed.

"Wait, how old are you?" Xiang asked, looking puzzled.

"I'm 21," Hae responded.

"Oh, I'm 18," she said. "But why aren't the years split up?" she questioned, scratching her head in a thoughtful gesture.

"I'm not sure. In the time I've been here, they seem to assign people to dorms randomly," Hae explained as he moved toward the door. "I'll fill you newcomers in on more details later," he added, before dashing down the corridor.

After a swift run, Hae finally reached his old dorm room. He opened the door and darted inside. "Ah, you're finally here. I packed your stuff; it was quite a mess," Mae Noi said, standing up to hand Hae a large bag. She gave him a once-over, taking in his appearance.

"When did you switch up your hairstyle? And have you been stretching in your sleep? No, wait! It's the opposite - you've been doing too much sitting, haven't you? You've actually shrunk!" She burst into laughter, playfully comparing their heights with her hand.

Hae chuckled at Mae Noi's comment, running a hand through his newly styled hair. "Yeah, I decided to change it up a bit," he admitted, "As for the height… well, I guess I can't really control that one." He took the large bag from her, grateful for her help in packing his things. Despite the teasing, it was good to see a familiar face amidst all the changes.

"I'm gonna go back and put my stuff back I don't want to get embarrassed in front of the whole school again" Saying this he ran back down the corridor.

"Ok meet you at the back of the hall" Mae shouted back running the opposite way of the corridor.

With a swift, practiced motion, Hae tossed his belongings into a corner of the room. The bag landed with a soft thud, the contents inside rustling slightly. He didn't bother to unpack; there would be time for that later.

Without wasting another moment, Hae turned on his heel and sprinted back the way he came. His footsteps echoed in the empty corridor, a solitary rhythm in the otherwise silent dormitory. The world outside the windows was a blur of colors as he ran past, his focus solely on his destination.

As he moved, Hae began to channel his magical energy. It was a subtle shift in the air around him, like the charge before a storm. The energy pulsed from him in waves, invisible to the naked eye but palpable to those sensitive to such forces. It spread outwards, filling the air with a faint hum that only he could hear.

This was no ordinary energy; it was a part of him, an extension of his will and power. By spreading it throughout the dormitory, he was essentially marking his territory. But it served another purpose as well - it created an intricate network of energy that he could tap into at will.

With this network in place, Hae could easily teleport back to any location where he had spread his energy. It was like laying down a series of invisible markers that only he could see and use. This ability had served him well in the past, and he had no doubt that it would prove invaluable in this new environment as well.

After a series of stumbles and trips, Hae finally found what he thought was the door to the hall. Bursting through with all the grace of a startled deer, he quickly realized his mistake - he had entered through the front door. The room fell silent for a moment before erupting into laughter.

Hae, known throughout the school for his endearing clumsiness, could only offer a sheepish grin in response. His reputation as the school's resident 'clown' was not unfounded, and this little incident only served to reinforce it.

Even his three new friends at the back of the hall couldn't help but join in the laughter. They had heard stories about Hae-Yun, the lovable goofball, but seeing him in action was a whole different experience. Despite the embarrassment, Hae took it all in stride. After all, he knew how to laugh at himself and that made him all the more likable.

The headmaster, Hua, who was standing at the front of the hall, gave Hae a stern look. His face turned red with anger, resembling a fiery chili pepper. "HAE-YUN! Late again! How many times has it been now? 200?"

"Sorry," Hae responded, bowing sincerely in apology.

But the headmaster was not appeased. "Now you're sorry? You know what, as a punishment, you can go into the dome alone today. And everyone here can watch you fight alone. How about that?" The headmaster's words echoed through the hall, leaving no room for negotiation.

Hae was seething internally, but he knew he had to keep his composure. He took a deep breath, forcing a smile onto his face. "Headmaster Hua, I understand the gravity of my tardiness and I sincerely apologize for it," he said, his voice steady despite the anger boiling within him. "I assure you it won't happen again. As for the dome, I accept your punishment. I will face it alone today." Despite his thoughts, Hae knew that arguing would only make things worse. Sometimes, the best course of action was to swallow one's pride and accept the consequences.

"well then let us teleport u there" With a swift flick from the headmaster, Hae found himself instantly teleported to the dome. The sudden shift in surroundings was disorienting, but he quickly regained his composure. He was now standing alone in the vast expanse of the dome, the silence echoing around him.

Back in the hall, a massive screen flickered to life, showcasing Hae's figure in the dome. The entire hall watched with bated breath as Hae prepared to face his challenge alone. Despite the circumstances, there was a certain thrill to it - a live performance for all to see. Hae took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come.