In the time he clapped, Sans quickly pulled Frisky behind him using his magic. She turned around back to back with him. For a little while, it seemed like the world just stopped for them. Knowing Sans, it may have. Slightly. This is it. Sans wasn't giving her a choice, he was fighting 04823. If he won, they'd finish going home and she would do the best she could to be a good wife. They would hold each other every night. Live happily.
If he didn't, then she'd be dragged away and lose her determination. And. And that was fine. Papyrus would take care of Chance, and she would just end it. Becoming cowardice after she lost it. For once, it would be a good thing. "You're in the Hall of Memories, Sans. This is the best place to battle. He can't do anything in the actual hallway without a board or it's instant death. The board is similar, but it's different too. Keep your eyes open." Sans was used to boards. Not an advantage, but a plus. "He's an instructor, he knows all ACTs."
"Not using one."
Plain and clear. Sans wouldn't have anything. When the board was set, he would probably refuse to even talk.
"I need that thing on your back," 04823 said. "Appreciate that you saved me the work on that little twerp, but let's end this. I am a PACIFIST. I'd rather not hurt a Classic Monster." Sans didn't say anything. "Don't be stupid. There aren't any resets this time. How many times do we have to do this? We've fought probably a thousand times." 04823 lowered his hand. "Back then, I was running a Conduit that continually killed you. CHARA. The sheer amount of times I was at your wedding, I lost track."
Wedding? 04823 had something. "Careful, Sans, if he prepared his MP he has the rights to use lost memories. Forgotten timelines. Anything to mess up your mind to make you lose concentration."
"The determined rodent is right but." He shrugged. "Won't help. Besides, that little shenanigan the Frisks did probably messed up transference right now. So." 04823 yawned. "Give that thing up. It's not worth it." Still, there was no sound from Sans. "Give it back, Classic. I don't want to stop being PACIFIST, but that thing is mine." Still nothing. "Did you enjoy hearing the sound of FRISK's voice as it died inside of your son? Or my technically former son. My claim. You stole my claim."
Still no words. Sans just raised his arm.
"I have trained proficiently and professionally in the field and I am a leader in my Academics." 04823 tilted his head. "What have you ever had?"
"He's right handed, not very good with his left. He never passed out anything with his left hand. One shoe has always been a high top with the second a low top, so he has uneven feet. If he loses them, he'll be off balance."
Sans finally said something. "I've always had Frisk."
"He's always worn very heavy clothes that cover his body. I don't know why, it's never made sense. You'd want to be light in battle."
Ooh. So. Expert in ACT. Maybe this wasn't what it appeared on the surface. What if he's never made the full switch between body and Skeleton? He was covered, quite covered. Then again, he was clever. Maybe he was counting on him thinking that to lower his defenses.
The shoes advice though, he might not have seen that. They were even the same bright red. Knock off a shoe, he'd have an advantage. If I mess up, I lose Frisky. I lose everything that is mine. That would never happen. Even if he lost it all, he needed to survive long enough to get her to safety.
It was risky, but 04823 knew every single move. Everyone on those ships had studied his fighting, knew about him in just about every way. Except this one. Hopefully, he trained hard enough with Farrisk to get this done.
"Ooh. That's new." 04823 approached closer now that he looked human. "Sans the Skeleton does have a new trick. Good for you. How well are you with it though?"
Sans watched as a board popped up in front of him, asking if he wanted to battle. "Fairly good, X. X this one out."
"I hate that name. Don't start that shit."
"Why?" Sans asked as he hit the invitation. "Afraid you're going to have an Xtra bad time?"
04823 growled as he looked at his board. Sans left nothing open. He didn't want any ACT. He didn't want to let it talk. And if he tried Mercy, he'd kill it the same way he did Frisk. Holding his arm up, he started the show. He spun gaster blasters up and down around X, trying to hit, if not him, then his shoes.
After that, he flipped the battle into jumping over large, tall and medium bones.
Then he used gaster blasters on the side, skinny, and then fat, flipping him back into a spin. Anything different he could think of without wearing himself out too fast.
By the time his turn was over, 04823's hit points had been depleted by a quarter.
But, it was his turn, and unlike Frisk he wouldn't just be dodging a knife. And, he also had Frisky behind him that he would have to move with him.
His power was a strange purple that came from him. His first move was to try and move Frisky, but Sans wasn't having that. He kept one hand out to hold Frisky in place, and held more power in his other hand to fend off magical spears coming to hit them.
He lost the appearance of his one hit point, but Frisky was okay. The board showed his true line now. Once again, that little song she made him hear helped. Yet, he was already down by almost a quarter too.
"He put the battle into delay mode," Frisky said. "You and he can't fight during this time. There is an invisible shield in the room between you two but you are free to talk to each other."
He didn't want to talk, but that didn't stop 04823.
"I really do not want to do this. So, a second warning. This time, with a bonus. Bring him." He gestured behind him and some Balancers had-
"Chance!" Lying in a Balancer's arms, Chance was trying to crawl away, like always. Sans tried to move, but the invisible shield Frisky talked about was in full effect. It didn't stop her from trying too though.
"Poor little thing." Chance was in 04823's arms. "Life was much better when I was your daddy, wasn't it? You weren't a helpless little babybones crawling around. You were defending the world. Saving the day. Doing so much. And now, look at you, Frisk. You're nothing now." Chance hit him on the nose. "That is the best you've got now? A little hit on the nose? You really are nothing, are you?" He held him up high. "I could break every single bone in your little body and your pathetic dad couldn't do a thing. Do you know what happens when a babybones breaks a bone?
Sans kicked and punched the shield, pushing everything he could into it.
"Well, when it grows up to be a Skeleton, it will still have that poor broken bone. Nothing can heal it."
"You can't have him, Chara would never have let you in!" Frisky threatened him.
"No, but seeing as Sans was running after his sweet little wife to save her, I knew something would happen when you saw each other. And your cute little walk together just resting in his arms?" 04823 chuckled. "Her brother was getting better. Chance was safe. And you two were actually happy together. Live video feed near the barrier showed you, all cheery and lovey dovey. So her DETERMINATION? Weakened enough that someone could get inside and fetch sweet little Chance from his loving Uncle Papyrus." He held his hand out to him. "Don't worry, he wasn't killed. We are PACIFISTS and I'm not going to do any more damage than I have to, to a Classic Monster." He shrugged. It's just the humans I hate. There isn't much use for them." He pulled Chance into the air. "Even this thing, this natural half-monster abomination. How could a Monster ever want that?" He tossed Chance in the air and caught him. "I mean, sure, the Human lust is one thing, but it's not that strong. How weak are you to really feel consumed by it?"
"Frisky," Sans demanded. "How do they calculate how much power to hold us back with?"
"At least three times the power source inside," Frisky answered anxiously. "Why?"
Too much. I can't yet. His strong form couldn't break it yet. He needed to survive longer in the weaker form. But, what did he plan on doing to his son?
"I mean, look at it. What is it?" 04823 shook him lightly as his flesh and muscles disappeared, revealing his true Skeleton form. "Nothing. But. A pile of shattered bones."
"At least, now it is." He took Chance and threw him hard with his magic straight into a wall, shattering him to pieces. "Right?"
Frisky covered her mouth, overcome with grief. Her boy. Her little, precious boy. Everything he'd gone through to start anew and now. She felt Sans hand reach for hers, but she felt completely out of it. The one that was always supposed to be safe. Her son. Broken and shattered like nothing, not even one bone survived. The ear splitting sound of the end of his bone, broken and jagged on the ground.
She would kill him. If she could, she would kill him. PACIFISM be damned, she would.
"Worst feeling in the world?" 04823 questioned. "Give her up, or it will only get worse. Last chance, Sans the Skeleton."
Sans. Didn't. Speak.
"Fine. That's it. No more leniency. Ask Frisky if she knows what the power legion rule is." She wouldn't speak. "Maybe she doesn't know. Most don't. You need to be at least, oh, an instructor before you ever know it? Now, there's no guarantee this will work since Frisky did just set up a revolution to free the re-resets. But, I bet we still have them." He pushed his bony hands into his own heavy coat and brought out a pair of glasses. "A reset area takes a lot of time and patience. The Underground was one of the largest setup, and you can see by its circumference, that took a grand deal of work. However, it is possible to make a second reset area that does not reset everything. For only the most important things, it is a safeguard . . . around the planet. It obviously only resets certain things. Like, for instance?" He brought his MP out of his pocket. "Preprogrammed souls with a data source when beckoned from a special MP carried by lawmakers, DL's, and uh? Instructors of soldiers. Now, even though the boy is technically nothing but broken bones, it is still found as alive." He shined his MP on it. "It's just in excruciating pain for the rest of its existence. Unless, it's body decides maybe that isn't so good. In which case, when I give it a gentle little 'save and continue'.
Sans and Frisky watched as the bones started to glow. The area above and below it was encased in a golden glow.
"Now, pay attention class," 04823 said as he pointed his MP back at it. "I set it's reset area to a confirmed point where it is only one second away from being shattered to nothing. So, it is in even more excruciating pain. In fact, if you listen closely you can hear his bones being shattered constantly, over and over. Isn't technology fun?" 04823 looked toward Sans. "Careful. Your magic is burning a hole through the floor. Get too bad, you'll lose your mind and hurt your own wife behind you. Now. I'll ask you. One. More. Time. Give her to me."
No. Answer. "Fine." 04823 took his glasses off. "Then we'll continue the fight here in just a second. Except, we've got ourselves some special guests." He pulled out his MP. "Although they aren't really special, no soul of any kind is, we have so many resets, that they all go in for at least a month after death. Just their souls. Their body is still dead, but the souls are alive. You know, like Chara?" He pointed toward Sans. "I tried to show mercy to you, but you brought this upon yourself. So, say hello to the dead."
The glowing area dispersed and in front of them was Chance again. Not little though, more like San's size.
"Chance!" Frisky yelled, unable to contain herself.
"Well, this one's not dead, but I need the container," 04823 insisted. "Can't do much without him."
Chance looked toward his mom confused. He pointed to Sans. "Why are you way over there, Sans?" Then, he grabbed his head and started to stumble and stagger.
"Live ones snag first."
Chance looked toward Sans. "Sans?" He looked at himself. "This is impossible." He patted his cheeks. "No."
"Oh, not you." Chance took a couple steps back. "What have you done?"
"Tell them your name. I haven't got all day."
"Friskarino." Chance looked back toward Sans. "This isn't good. How did he do that?" Chance grabbed his head again and then came up in a rush of madness. "This is so not fair!" He yelled and stomped his foot. "I can't believe Conner killed me. Well, yes I can, but what a jerk! Oh?" He looked surprised. "What's going on?" Chance grabbed his head again.
"FRISK. Impossible." Frisky looked toward Sans. "A reset area for conduits?" She. She should not have been surprised. With the technology they had, anything was possible. Conduits had unlimited resets in life. It made sense there was something for them in death. "Sans. My soul is going to go as soon as the break is over."
Sans held her hand harder. "Nuh uh!"
"It's an automatic pull. It pulled Friskarino." She grabbed him, holding him in a hug. "You know what's going to happen, don't you?" She held him tight. "Listen to me. I know you never do, but you have to. My body will stay on this side. He can't do anything without a body, so he won't take me away. Almost every Frisk is dead, except two. You have to do it again."
"No!" No, no, no! It should have been impossible. "I can't, I could kill you."
"It'd save Chance. He's a failsafe," she reminded him. "Guaranteed to survive. If you don't, if I can't get the DETERMINATION to take over Frisk, then I'm . . ." She didn't want to say it.
"No." That MP. Skeletons are clever. He knows a Skeleton's weakness, their child with their fragile bones. He knew his weakness, Frisk in Judgment Hall. Doing all of it during delay . . .
No. It can't be real. I can't accept it. 04823 was scared to fight, he was delaying it. He was trying to make him break his fleshy form. He's weak, using every trick in the book to make me bend. We were the same power level before, which means I could take him on. He kissed her hand. He would be risking it all if he was wrong. He couldn't risk it. "This could be a trick. I don't know. I can't risk it not being, but there's a really high chance it is." What could he do?
"A trick?" He felt Frisky's hand on his shoulder. "You think it's illusion? Technology is so powerful."
"I think so, but if it's not . . ." He shook his skull. "This won't end well."
"I can find out," she said softly. "Try not to listen, Sans. Watch for reactions."
Sans watched as Frisky started to sing. As horrid as singing was, he looked toward FRISK. Frisky kept Chance buried deep within FRISK when she was there. Without her in there, if it were real, there should be some kind of reaction. If it was more Monster, it would cover its ears. If Chance was in there, he'd react somehow. Any of the humans should have reacted to a song filled with DETERMINATION for them.
The only one who reacted was 04823. Thank goodness for the human singing voice. It is a trick! "I'm getting Chance back, you safe, and I am killing him dead. Now. You'll be fine. This isn't your nightmare." His eyes went black. "It's his. Step back, Frisky." He consulted the board, discovering during the delay, he had extra options. He'd been so entranced with everything he'd seen in front of him, he could have missed it. Which was probably the point.
Yep. This was over.
"Fully formed FRISK, only needing one more person," 04823 said as FRISK stood still in front of him. He turned to look back toward Sans. "Time is almost up."
For him. Sans broke his human form back into Skeleton, and as the delay barriers moved, he made his move.
He threw everything he could at him. Everything mixing gaster blasters with long bone trails ending in bones that threw his magic into the wall. He used elevators but changed the direction, bringing them from clockwise to counter-clockwise every few seconds.
He could tell 04823 wanted to talk some more, but he wasn't having it. He just would have said something like 'how did you know?' Or 'Why didn't you ever break form?'. Sans admitted, it was close. Real close. Even Frisky fell for it, but it was all a giant illusion. The lights, the bones, the souls of Frisk coming back, one gigantic illusion, it's intent just to make him set off his human form too early before getting the power he needed.
Once he learned how to fight in flesh, he understood what Flowey meant. It wasn't just a container, it was a battery, and once he shed it, his power unfolded in massive amounts! It didn't last long. Having years of learning it didn't matter. It was just a short burst. But it was the short burst that Sans needed, and it was the short burst that 04823 wasted, that sealed its fate.
After that round, he'd eliminated more than half of 04823's hit points.
04823 stood up and grabbed at his side. He probably fractured a bone, Sans hit him the best he'd ever done before. While 04823 reached for the board though, he saw it. Sans knew when he saw it because his own little light guiders grew bigger and rounder, revealing it.
Since 04823 used a 'delay' move, the other opponent was awarded something else. Two Bonuses. The distraction had not kept Sans from making his selection. And the choices Sans chose?
Some Food, and Another turn.
If 04823 could talk, he'd be screaming. It was in the same position those soldiers that took on FRISK had been in. He knew his death was imminent.
Sans just stood there eating part of a Grillby burger he had stashed away in his pocket. While under the partial memory loss, he had more GOLD again and, without Frisky's fantastic food, he was eating at Grillby's a lot. Enough that he could keep a spare in his pocket for supper like he used to. He usually went for catsup, but extra money meant Grillby's any day.
Sans couldn't believe just how delicious it tasted. He took bite by bite of his food while morbidly enjoying his prey's look. He looked back toward Frisky and waved slightly. As he finished his last bite, he sucked the juiciness off of his bony fingers.
04823 stole his wedding. Stole Frisky. Stole Chance. He stole everything, and now, it was time to reclaim his own honor.
A little bit of his battery energy left, plus a Grillby burger and his free turn. For it, he used his favorites. He raised his arms and threw him all around with his magic. He did so well, he even managed to knock a tooth loose, as well as his shoe. He didn't even need that handicap now, but it'd still be fun to see him suffer. But, when his life points were almost out, he switched to an old family favorite. One Papyrus liked to use too.
Skipping bones. Usually quite easy, but for a Balancer knowing he was facing death, and who didn't have a good balance himself?
The soul shattered and floated away, while 04823's body hit the ground. Lifeless.
"Sans!" Frisky ran up to him and hugged him, holding him tight. He could feel her fragile human body trembling. "Are you okay?"
Sans looked over at the corner. The Balancers Skeleton was still there, it didn't turn to just dust. He whisked it away to a wall and watched it shatter to pieces. Nothing but tiny pieces of bone and dust now. But it still . . .
Frisky breathed slowly against him. Her body was so relieved he felt her almost collapse against him. He held her closely as the relief settled over both of them and they moved toward the floor. That could have gone so many ways. Just like when Frisk saved the day, if it hadn't all lined up just right, Sans couldn't have won. While they held each other, Sans told her every small thing he held back from her.
They were once going to be married. Chance was natural, between them. The memories were erased, but, the feelings weren't. And?
And he had one odd request.
Frisky lied on top of Sans, stroking his rib cage like it was an xylophone. With the right stick, he might be. That might make for some fun later. She never wanted to move from that spot. She really didn't imagine her first time with him would be next to the remains of the one who haunted her. A little while ago, she couldn't even imagine being with him at all. She'd only married him for Chance. But, but it was wonderful nevertheless. And being with him wasn't the same as just grabbing a human skeleton from science training. He was hard, but mostly smooth. But her soft flesh and his hard skeleton, they just felt so perfect together. Being with him hadn't been nearly as awkward as she thought it would be. He was a Monster. A loving Monster that was built like a brick. Forget muscular guys, Sans was it. His bones were stronger than cement. Could probably crack it. Yet, he was such a loving skeleton.
How could she be so lucky? How could no other Monster see how absolutely wonderful he'd been? He never gave himself enough credit. Hardly anyone gave him any credit. Well, for the rest of his life, she would make sure he knew just how amazing he had been. "I want to be your Faith, now and forever." She pulled herself against him and kissed his cheekbone. "My Sweet Legendary Fart Master. Thanks for telling me."
"I like Faith. I like Frisky." He moved her even closer. "I love my Frisky Faith. What can I say?" He chuckled. "I need Frisk in my life. Wife and son."
"But." Chance didn't have Frisk's memories. "Chance isn't Frisk."
"Yeah he is. All over again, but he is. He'll just be a happier Frisk. But, I betcha? When he gets older, he'll be just like you remember." He stroked her hair lovingly.
Chance. "I guess I have time to see. I'll be around a few more years," she teased.
"Like heck, you're going to be hundreds upon hundreds of years before I let you go," Sans answered. "No one's taking you away anymore, Frisky Faith. But . . . "
"How do you feel?"
"I'm incredibly happy."
"Not everything was incredibly happy."
"Yeah. Frisk. It was us. It was us the longest. For better or for worse. We all loved the name. Took it into our very . . ." No, no. Not here, not now. She was with Sans, freed from the insanity or death coming to her. It was a happy time. "I'm sorry."
"Hey? I know," Sans whispered toward her. "You lost all of Frisk except yourself and one more that's . . . that's never coming back."
"Never?" Never ever? "But-"
"He was in love with you," Sans interrupted her. "In this timeline and the last, Frisky. He has to move on. 'Cause if he doesn't, old friend or not, if he weakened and tried to come after you . . ."
Sans would kill him. Great. So. That was it. She really was the last.
"I guess . . . maybe it's not that hard to do it."
Frisky ducked, wiped her tears and paid attention to him. A subject change would be an easier distraction.
"Frisk and Frisky aren't really that close," Sans said, bringing his bony arm behind his head. "Might actually work out, I could just say Frisk for stuff. Two people called at once. That's a good kind of lazy right there."
Frisky lost it when he said that. Her tears overwhelmed her as she started to sob uncontrollably. Sans pulled himself up and held her there for several minutes.
"Aw, heck. Dodging his attacks way out here in a clearing would have made for one new fun challenge," Farrisk answered. "Sup, Sans. You can judge me if you want. I have nothing to hide that you don't know about me already."
"I do, but I'm more shameless and I don't care," Friskay said to him with a sneer.
"I never agreed to that name," Friskarino said as he hugged Frisky, probably happy to see her okay. "But I couldn't say no to it, it was in my name."
If I live, I'll go kill Papyrus just to piss him off.
There is an eighty percent probability at least a few of us will survive, if factors from the last split are the same. The conduit of course will survive. Failsafe, Frisky. He'll be okay no matter what.
"I will kill you PERSEVERANCE if you lay one hand on my Toriel! You bastard, she does nothing but give you pie and you just play with her emotions!"
So long. Souls joined together for so long. It was more than friends, even the most rotten was a part of Frisk.
"There, there," Sans said, holding her. "I guess I finally broke my Frisky, huh? Sorry about that. It's okay, I've been there. But, you're not really alone. You've got a new family." He held her tighter. "Me. Papyrus. Our kid. You've got new friends too, Alphys and Undyne would do anything for you. And Toriel, she's always been like your mom." He shrugged and reached for his coat on the ground. "If you want, one day, I bet we could find your human family too." He pulled out some wrappers from his pocket, then brought out some of his other Grillby burger out. "Um. Not much on this one, but want some?"
Frisky started to laugh as took the chunk of burger. "Only you could ever do that, Sans."
They both got up and got dressed again. Sans pulled her to the right where some papers laid. He looked at it. "Here's your family. It's got your real name on it too."
"When did you get time . . ." She caught his look. Oh. Friskarino. That's how Sans knew he wasn't coming back. While they were being intimate, he must have came. "Well." No time. "Later." She just leaned against him. "I need time with this family, before I move on to my next."
"Okay." Sans trotted out with her in his familiar fashion. "What do you think they'll do when they see me? I bet they get a Monster of a headache."
She tried not to smile too wide.
"Poor inlaws. I've got a Skele-ton of jokes. I'll just have to remember not to use skele-tongue jokes." He winked his left eye socket at her. "Those are just for you."
"Frisky got real frisky today."
"Practically ripping off my shirt, Frisky, I didn't know if you wanted to fight or kiss."
"Sans!" Her shouting was cut off though as he kissed her.
"That's my name. Let's go home, Frisky."