After lessons, Chloe went home and they started the ceremony with her mum, it ended after.
Chloe.....I should go to Mathiew's now.
She headed to her boyfriend's home and students were there having fun, dancing, singing and drinking while eating.
Chloe.....Where could he be? Excuse me, have you seen my boyfriend?
Man.....I saw him going upstairs.
Chloe.....Okay, thanks.
She climbed up the stairs and checked every room to find Mathiew, she opened the last room and Mathiew was hooking up with a girl, Chloe ran away and got a taxi which took her straight home.She went to her room and started crying.
Chloe.....That asshole! How could he? I love him and this is what i get in return? I wish i can also hook up with a hot guy right infront of him when his watching....Aaahhhh
She cried non stop, she pulled out her phone.
Chloe.....I should call my bestfriend, only she can understand me now.Please answer the phone Viv.
Suprisingly, Viv, Alfie's girlfriend was Chloe's bestfriend.Viv used to live in France too before and they became friends though she left back home.She didnt answer her call.
Chloe.....Even you Viv have left me alone? I really need to talk to someone now to feel better, i cant tell mum because she never liked Mathiew in yhe first place.
She dialed a number randomly and sent a text.
Chloe.....Hy, sorry to bother you because i dont even know who you are but i need someone to talk to, if you dont mind.
Alfie.....Okay, but who are you? Are in trouble? Should i call the police?
Suptisingly again, the random number she dialed was Alfie's though she didnt know. not in that kind of trouble, thanks anyway.
Alfie....So, what can i do to cheer you up?
Chloe.....I dont know, maybe you can tell me a joke?
Alfie.....Sorry but am not good at jokes.Are you a woman or a man?
Chloe....Am a girl.
Alfie....I see.
Chloe....My boyfriend hooked up with a girl from my school and i saw them, now am feeling terrible.
Alfie....Oh, that sucks!
Chloe.....Sorry to tell you this since we are strangers, but i wanted to talk to someone to lift off this heavy burden.
Alfie.....No worries, i understand how hard relationships can be, so, what do you want me to do to help?
Chloe....I dont know, i think that i should also get a hook up to feel better, maybe.
Alfie....Thats not a solution at all.
Alfie....You sex?
Chloe....Maybe, sorry, am just so desparate.How old are you?
Alfie....Am seventeen, you?
Chloe....Am also seventeen, so, what do you say? Lets sext, if you dont mind.
Alfie....I...dont know.
Chloe....Do you have a girlfriend?
Alfie.....Yeah, i do.
Chloe....I see, sorry, i take back what ive said, sorry again.
Alfie.....Wait....its cool since we dont know eachother, i wont mind.
Alfie.....Yeah, let me head to my bed, where are you now?
Chloe....Am laying on my bed.
Alfie.....Good, am also on my bed now.
Alfie.....Just follow what i say and act it up, okay?
Chloe....Okay, lets do it.
They sexted for awhile and did what Chloe wanted, they later slept.In the morning, they texted again.
Chloe....Hy, morning.
Alfie....Morning too.
Chloe.....About last night....thanks for listening to my stupid story and helping me get over it.
Alfie.....No problem.
Chloe.....What are you doing?
Alfie....Ive just arrived at school.
Chloe....I see, am also at school now.
Alfie....Okay, lets be friends and i hope that things get better with your boyfriend.
Chloe....Thanks alot, stranger, good day.
Viv saw him and ran to him, they hugged.
Viv....I missed you babe.
Alfie....I missed you too.
Viv....Anyway, whom were you texting? You were smiling.
Alfie....Its just a good friend.
Viv.....Okay, lets go to class now.
They went to class.